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As many of you can see, I've been a pretty terrible blogger lately! What can I say...Life.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Entry into the Unfamiliar" Banners

Matt was the first person to ask for banners for his blog "Entry into the Unfamiliar." I've known Matt for a little while now so it was important to get the information on what he wanted on the banner and then finish them quickly for him. Each banner is pretty different. The first is actually a piece of concept art Matt doodled. The second, I found. It feels a little dark, but I think it can be interpretted in many different ways. Plus, you can't be a writer without being a bit dramatic. :) The third is from one of Matt's landscape pictures.

I personally loved how they turned out, and hopefully he will as well.

PS. All three banners will magically link you directly to Matt's blog. (That's what they're made for!)

PPS. The offer still stands for anyone else who would like banners made for their blog or website. Just leave me a comment and we'll talk about what to make you. :)


  1. These are so much better than the ones I made for my own blog! Dangit! Now I have to go make mine better. lol.

  2. Pretty darn slick if I do say so myself! You did a great job with them!

  3. Lol, I'm not sure how to read into the middle one. I have to say I like the landscape one best. If you could change the name on it to the url, that would make it perfect.

    And I'm glad you think that you made them better than your own. :) Although, I still love the one with the tree.

  4. Sure thing. DO you only want the URL or do you want "Entry into the Unfamiliar" and the URL?

    The middle one is mysterious! So I thought unfamiliar-mysterious, mysterious-unfamiliar. IDK. It looks cool. lol.

  5. The blog title and the url, please. Also, I just discovered that my sig on Snafu only allows images up to 600 pixels wide. I don't want to screw it up in Paint or Photobucket. Can you oblige? Sorry and thanks loads!

  6. Yep! This pic is currently 640x138, but I'll lower it for you so that it will upload without any problems. I'll also give you the code so that you can use it as a link if you want.

    Just give me another day. I'll have to make it from scratch because I foolishly flattened the image. (What an elementry mistake! My graphic design professors would all be smacking me across the head right now if they knew!) I'll also have to do the coding again so that the image has the correct dimensions.

    All in due time, all in due time.

  7. I really appreciate the effort you're putting into this. Is there something I could do for you?

  8. Nope, I should be all good. I know what I'm doing now that I'm back in the swing of things.

    Oh! And I've already played around with a few concepts for the Fiction Collective magazine. I'm excited to put a few down in draft form!

  9. I meant to offer a favor in return.

    Great! Email them to me.

  10. No favors necessary. This was fun. I should have enterything to you soon.


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