Updates! Updates! Updates!


As many of you can see, I've been a pretty terrible blogger lately! What can I say...Life.

Weekend Wonders!

Who thought it would only take a few months to reach 200 followers!? I am thrilled beyond compare and I wish to celebrate it with all of you.

In the last few weeks I have seen some blogs doing some truely wonderful things to expose their followers (in only the best ways, of course) and I wish to do the same. So, I propose this...

The very first "WYE? Weekend Wonders!" Every person on this planet is a wonder, a creature of strange curiosities, interesting characteristics, and enthusiastic opinions that they wish to share or we wish to uncover. Every Saturday and Sunday, I wish to introduce you to these kinds of people, but it is all up to you if you want to be featured in the first place.

Here's how things shall procede...

1. Tell me in a comment (or email me at WhosYourEditor@aol.com) that you would like to be a Weekend Wonder!
2. In that same message, give me your email address as well.
3. I will send you a questionaire. (Every questionaire will be just about the same for everyone (the main parts focusing on reading and writing) so that we may see the true diversity in each and every person.
4. Fill out the questionaire as soon as you can and send it back to me.
5. I will set up a schedule and let you know when you will be featured. Then, watch every Saturday and Sunday to read the other features!

Does that sound like a good plan? I certainly hope so!


Now that I have made a page for this little shindig, I will be posting the schedule for the features here as well.

WYE? Weekend Wonders Schedule:


Links to past Weekend Wonders:

Matt Dimitroff
Shah Wharton
Sarah the Writer
The Adventurer
The Creative Muslimah
Kim Marie
Kelly Ann
Richard Timothy
Casper *Coming Soon!*

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