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As many of you can see, I've been a pretty terrible blogger lately! What can I say...Life.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Jeans: Both Comfortable and Sexy! Do you feel the same?

Today is Friday and that means casual day at work! But, regardless of the more general name, it really means JEAN DAY! Once, we had almost an entire week of JEAN DAYS because there were little to no meetings in the office so the executives made a decision to let us all be terribly comfortable and happy!

That's what got me thinking. Pretty much everyone I know, including myself, wears jeans pretty much any and every time we don't have to dress nice for work or go to a special event.

Here's where the dumb question comes in, but is that pretty typical for everyone? I remember that when I was in elementary, I might have owned one pair of jeans. They just really weren't that big of a thing. But now, jeans take up a fourth of my entire closet.

It may be stupid, but I'm not very conscientious of fashion as of late and for some reason this hit me.

Plus, I just had a conversation with a new friend that moved to our county from a big city. It was pretty funny because he was comparing the two places and one of his biggest complaints was that girls never wore mini skirts or high heels here, just jeans. lol. My friends and I were like, "What's the supposed to mean? You don't find us attractive. Jeans are sexy?" We all got a pretty good laugh out of it.

So, do you wear jeans mostly on your off days? Am I losing it a bit today with this completely random topic?


  1. I wear four pairs of jeans every week and when those are in the laundry, I switch to khakis. :P Jeans can be sexy, especially depending upon who wears them. And of course you wouldn't see girls in Michigan wearing mini-skirts this time of year. He's in the wrong part of the country, lol. He should hop over to Cali.

    1. Yep! Well, he did say that at the beginning of the summer.

  2. Regardless, I still don't see it much around here. It's more likely in the south or in big or coastline cities.

    1. I think that was his point. That he just didn't see it. I think he's gotten over it now.

  3. Jeans are sexy on some people. There are so many who don't know how to find a good fit though. Loved this piece. Ty for post.

  4. I don't like jeans much. I wear them now and then and own a few pairs in very different styles but they aren't comfortable enough to relax in. As soon as I get indoors I put my pj's on :) I live in leggings mainly. I hated the 15-20 years they were out of fashion and no one sold them. Love their resurgence. :)

    1. Yeah for leggings too. They are my go-to pjs!

      My mom always talks about how these styles are coming back. I think it's neat!


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