I was featured by Shah @
Wordsinsync on Wednesday, February 9th! Now, I am going to share it with all of you because Shah set up a wonderful questionnaire on creativity for me to fill out! I also want to let you know that you too could be featured by this lovely lady merely by joining her weekly blog hop!
This is me! |
What is your name?
Blog URL:
Creative out-let (crafts, cooking, writing, painting etc)?
I like to write, draw, and making jewellery.
What is your favourite colour?
Black, but I also really like grey now.
When did you first realize that you needed to express your creativity?
Very early on. When I was a child, I started doing really creative things, such as dancing in my living room, drawing with pencils and crayons, singing in the bathroom, writing, making plastic jewellery, journaling, etc. My mom is also very creative so she got me into a lot of different things.
What is your favourite drink?
Alcoholic? A White Russian. Now-Alcoholic? Ginger Ale.
Have your personal experiences (or situations) influenced your creative abilities? Definitely, any time I am really stressed, my creative abilities, at least as far as writing, can shut down. It’s scary in a way, but getting back into those creative outlets always makes me feel a lot better. :)
This is a graphic design project of mine
that depicts my two sides: my artistic side
and my more serious, bookish side.
(All the pieces you see on this are images
of my own work.) |
Tell us a little about your latest project. Give us the link.
I’ve got ton of projects going on, but here’s just a quick overview.
I don’t really have any links for my crafty projects, but I’m thinking I am going to have to add more of that to my blog.
How does your creative process/production benefit you?
It’s a stress reducer, a very productive way to pay time, and it’s FUN! When I am creative, I got into this mode that my mother affectionately has labelled my “machine mode.” I can whip off 5 pairs of earrings in a half hour.
How much of your creative ability do you think is innate and how much is learned?
I feel that you can’t have ANY creative ability without IMAGINATION and I definitely feel that my imagination is innate. Lol. I’ve been drawing for a very long time and thought I was sooo good, then I went to college and took every drawing class I could get myself in and I couldn’t believe how much I improved. So, a lot of that talent was learned, and now, I am soooooo good. :).
In truth, I am always learning. There is always something I can improve on. Luckily, it is innate in me to learn.
Me taking photos at Lake
Michigan. |
What is the last book you read? What are you reading now?
The last book I read was “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley. I read it for my Sci-Fi and Fantasy class. I don’t know why I had never read it before because it was fascinating. Now, I am currently reading 2 books. I am reading “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy and “Killer” by Sara Shepard. I have actually been reading these books for a while now, since the beginning of the year, but the stuff I am required to read for school is getting in the way. Anna Karenina I know will take me a while. It’s a difficult book to read, but a very interesting. Killer, when I get the chance, will be done in a jiffy. I hope to be reading a lot more young adult novels (my favourite) when school chills out here.
What other, non-creative interests do you have?
Hmmm? This is hard. Lol. I like to swim in the summer and lounge on the beach in the sun. I love to SHOP! I love to watch movies. I’m good at archery!
What was the last movie you went to see? Do you have a favourite genre?
In theatres? Tron. On dvd? Prince of Persia. My favourite genre is scifi/fantasy/action/adventure!
What motivates your creative ideas and creative activity?
Mostly inspiration from various places. I get a lot of my writing ideas from movies or something that someone said. I also like to people watch. A truly gorgeous profile on a fashion magazine (W is my favourite) makes me want to draw. Nature inspires my poetry. And other jewellers make me want to create my own unique pieces of jewellery.
What role do you think emotions play in your creative process?
Mostly, if I am in the mood, I am creative. It’s pretty much a black and white kind of thing.
What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Leftovers. Some spaghetti, chilli, and chicken.
I've never shown
this many pictures of
myself. Feel lucky! |
If you could trade places with someone for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
I think I would like to trade places with Caroline Bingley from Pride and Prejudice. I just think it would be fun to be rich during that time, and to have her confidence (and be a bit of a b*tch at the same time.) I would just love to be able to say some of her snarky lines.
What is your favourite (song) and why?
“Here Today” by Paula Brancati and Flashin’ Midnight. It’s from the Degrassi Takes Manhattan soundtrack and the lyrics are fabulous.
You are invited to a large formal party. When you arrive, the room is already over half full of guests. How do they react to you and how do you feel?
Usually, if I got to a party, I know almost everyone (granted, the parties I go to are small). Usually, I’m met with hugs and greetings. It’s warm right off the bat. I am happy.
If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be?
I answered this question a few days ago and it was hard to come up with one answer. When I was younger, I always wanted to be Hermione from Harry Potter. Now, I would love to be either Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice or Yelena from Poison Study.If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Oh, geez! The redheads in Hollywood are limited. I really like Kate Winslet. Although she is 10-12 years older than me, I think she is gorgeous! Or Emma Stone, but I’m not nearly as funny or as bada** as she is.
Do you believe that creativity and genius go hand in hand?
YES, but I also believe creativity and madness go hand in hand. :)