The Life is Good Award!
Selena, at The Enchanted Book, has been generous enough to award me with the Life is Good Award! I am quickly learning that Selena is a complete sweetheart who is passionate about her blog and BOOKS! She is also very attentive to her avid readers and commenters which, let me tell you, is not hard to become if just take a look at what she's doing! Thank you, Selena!
Here are the things you have to do when you get this award:
1. First, thank and link back to the person that gave the award.
2. Answer the 10 survey questions
3. Pass the award along to other bloggers whom you think are fantastic.
4. Contact the bloggers you have chosen to let them know about the award.
1. If you blog anonymously, are you happy doing this? If you aren't anonymous, do you wish you started out anonymously, so that you could be anonymous now?
No, I wouldn't want to blog anonymously just because I put so much of myself into my writing (especially my blog entries) that it wouldn't make sense not to put my name to it. Plus, I feel that people who have been reading my stuff for a while would know who was writing it anyway.
1. If you blog anonymously, are you happy doing this? If you aren't anonymous, do you wish you started out anonymously, so that you could be anonymous now?
No, I wouldn't want to blog anonymously just because I put so much of myself into my writing (especially my blog entries) that it wouldn't make sense not to put my name to it. Plus, I feel that people who have been reading my stuff for a while would know who was writing it anyway.
In addition, I like putting my name to the things I create. I'm never ashamed of them!
2. Describe an incident that shows your inner stubborn side.
How about everything about my life! Stubborn is one of my middle names! Probably the most prevalent incidents occur when I am talking about grammar. I'm a technical freak and I like to know a lot. So, I will fight with someone over the use of a simple comma until someone has backed down or is bleeding. lol. (It's never come down to blood though.)
3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the mirror?
Someone who is still questioning many things. That's good and bad. I find it very helpful to question the future, like where will I be in 10 years, what will I eat tomorrow, where should the character in my book go next. However, I don't find it good to question the past, like why did I do that, could I have looked at that different? You can't change the past, just learn from it for the rest of your life. That's one reason why I love to study history! It's our greatest teacher.
4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?
I really like frozen mochas! Coffee and chocolate are my two guilty pleasures.
5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?
2. Describe an incident that shows your inner stubborn side.
How about everything about my life! Stubborn is one of my middle names! Probably the most prevalent incidents occur when I am talking about grammar. I'm a technical freak and I like to know a lot. So, I will fight with someone over the use of a simple comma until someone has backed down or is bleeding. lol. (It's never come down to blood though.)
3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the mirror?
Someone who is still questioning many things. That's good and bad. I find it very helpful to question the future, like where will I be in 10 years, what will I eat tomorrow, where should the character in my book go next. However, I don't find it good to question the past, like why did I do that, could I have looked at that different? You can't change the past, just learn from it for the rest of your life. That's one reason why I love to study history! It's our greatest teacher.
4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?
I really like frozen mochas! Coffee and chocolate are my two guilty pleasures.
5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?
I write and I read. (I'm stealing this answer from Selena!) I also love to watch movies. I have a huge collection and I like to watch things multiple times.
6. Is there something that you still want to accomplish in your life?
Tons of stuff, from the really simple to some things that are really huge! I want to finish a novel manuscript, I want to write a short story that I actually like, I want to finish my resume, I want to graduate from school, I want to get a job I can enjoy and really expand my talents, I want to travel more, I want to fall in love, I want to bake a cookie that is both chewy and gooey instead of cakey, I want to know how to make soup, I want to beat Devil May Cry 2! And so much more!
7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever, the shy person, or always ditching?
I was and still am an overachiever, but it came easily. I enjoyed reading and writing and learning. I got along with teachers really well and I had great friends. I was very shy too, but only around the people I didn't know very well. With my friends and in class I was fine.
8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment in your life, what would you see?
This would probably be the year my grandparents died. I lost both a grandma and grandpa within less than a year of each other. They were my first great losses and it took me a long time to cry. I was really scared of losing other people in my life. I want everyone, including myself to live a long life and die naturally. Sorry for being so morbid. Anyway, it reminded me to carry on with my life and really do the things I wanted to do. It also reminded me how important family and friends are in your life.
9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog, or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people and events?
Based on the last question, I am comfortable about writing about myself, but I prefer to write about things I love and enjoy, things that have positively influenced or inspired me. (Like books, writing, and movies.)
10. If you had the choice to sit down and read a book or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?
I would definitely read a book because I can become engrossed in it. I don't like talking on the phone at all. Generally, if I take a phone call, I am on it for less than 2 minutes. I just run out of things to say and it's uncomfortable.
I would like to pass this award on to:
The lovely Donna at Write Now, Write Later and Refusing to Age Gracefully!
The Stylish Blog Award!

I'll try and tell you things you may not already know...
1. My favorite genre to write in is Post-Apocalyptic fiction.
2. I took horseback riding lessons for 6 years and begged for a pony every Christmas and Birthday!
3. I've acted in 11 play/musicals/improv shows when I was in highschool and I starred in 3 of them and had the lead in 2 of them.
4. In college, I began my major in graphic design. After 2 years I switched to psychology and after only a month of that, I switched to English with a concentration in creative writing and have never looked back!
5. I graduate in June 2011. Then I am going on the job hunt! If I'm not employed in 7-8 months, I'm going to graduate school for Literacy or Publishing.
6. My favorite flavor of pudding is Pistachio!
7. My favorite season is autumn, even though Northern Michigan seems to skip that season some years.

I have also recieved this award from the beautifully loving Katie over at Love with Katie, Shah at WordsinSync, The Creative Muslimah at The Creative Muslimah, Dawn at Letters to Princess, and Proud Mom of 3 at The Not always Happy Homemaker Diaries. They all surprised me and I can't thank all of them and Selena enough for making my blogging day! Thank you, my dears!
There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
I'll try and tell you things you may not already know...
1. My favorite genre to write in is Post-Apocalyptic fiction.
2. I took horseback riding lessons for 6 years and begged for a pony every Christmas and Birthday!
3. I've acted in 11 play/musicals/improv shows when I was in highschool and I starred in 3 of them and had the lead in 2 of them.
4. In college, I began my major in graphic design. After 2 years I switched to psychology and after only a month of that, I switched to English with a concentration in creative writing and have never looked back!
5. I graduate in June 2011. Then I am going on the job hunt! If I'm not employed in 7-8 months, I'm going to graduate school for Literacy or Publishing.
6. My favorite flavor of pudding is Pistachio!
7. My favorite season is autumn, even though Northern Michigan seems to skip that season some years.
Next, I will list the 15 people I will award. I have chosen these people for several different reasons. Either, they have a beautiful blog, they are new and need some boosting, or they are beautiful people who have passion for their own blog and others.
I have awarded the following lovely people...
Selena @ The Enchanted Book
Shah @ Wordsinsync
Dawn @ Letters to Princess
Sarah @ This Writer's Life
Lindsay @ Scenic Glory
Rose Works Jewelry @ A Jedi's Musings
Pink Hibiscus @ Daiquiris and Denial
Gypsy Jewels @ Gypsy Jewels
Kit @ Kit's Blogging
Grace @ Loving Life
Susette @ Screenplays by Susette
Creative Muslimah @ The Creative Muslimah
Teri @ Working the Earth
JR Frugal Mom @ Frugality is Free
Frugal Mom @ Story Time Under the Stars
You and I have the exact same sentiments on the phone conversations. I avoid the phone like the plague and if I have to use it, I go straight to the point. The Internet makes things so much easier. Thank you, Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI am also a stickler for the "grammatick" (to quote Microsoft Word), as you may already know. Though I've been slacking on correcting you because it has come to my attention that people get annoyed when I correct their typos on an Internet forum, so I've been trying to cut back.
I also wish that I could travel more. I'd like to study abroad, but I just don't know where to go! There are so many choices!
I've never played DMC2, but I've played the first one.
Nicey! I likey!!! XD You deserve every award here. XD And Yay Donna. Ditto with the phone calls. I hate talking on the phone, bugs the hell outta me!
ReplyDeleteMatt...Yeah, I'll fix the grammar later. I'm too tired now. my eyelids are fighting me in a fierce kind of way. If you liked DMC 1 you'd like 2 as well. I'm just stuck because this worm thing keeps eating me and then spitting me back up, sucking off 1/2 my life and leaving me to die. It's very annoying. Then it turns into a moth and sprinkles you with poison. Grrrr! I'm angered just thinking about it. I want an infinate rocket launcher!!!
ReplyDeleteDawn...Thanks, sweetie!
Incidentally, Devil May Cry was intended to be a sequel to Resident Evil. Hence, he and Leon look similar.
ReplyDeleteHi sweet Aubrie! I have awarded you with a Stylish blog award on my page :)
Hi Aubrie!
ReplyDeleteI'm your new follower =)
Would love a follow back and a follow on Bloglovin' if possible =D
Happy New Year!
Congrats on your award! Yay! So proud of you!
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower from Thrifty Thursday Bloghop...
ReplyDeleteMatt...I always thought that Leon and Dante looked a lot alike, but ti didn't think too much of it.
ReplyDeleteKate...Thank you and WOW! Two awards in two days! Thank you so much!
Nellie...Welcome! I will be by to check out your blog soon. Apparently after I accept another award. :)
Sofia...Thank you very much!
Made by Gen...Welcome! I love new followers and I can't wait to hear more from you. Do you have a blog as well? I could come and give it a look!
Hi AubrieAnne,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the Stylish Blogger Award. I'm so flattered by the wonderful things you said about me and my blog.
I will be putting a post up about this award a little later, but I wanted to stop by and thank you now.
Have a great day!
You are full of awesomeness! Thanks for the award sweetie, I've already done the deed and passed it along, now I'm gonna trip over to my other blog and do the one for Kate! Great day yay! So glad you got your awards and it's so neat getting the same ones!
ReplyDeleteRightio then - Firstly, massive thanks for the award. So very chuffed. I've struggled with the design of my blog - but to get this makes me feel all the effort was worth it.
ReplyDeleteSecond, not sure what to do tbh. The button/award is the issue. Do I make my own? I'm not clear on ho to do this either - I managed a button on my blog, but can't ,move it or offer it to others as I don't know how to get the URL (I have nightmares about URLS) - I REALLY want to accept - who doesn't like awards? HELP! ;) XX
Thirdly, and incidentally, I don't do phones either - seems to be a theme among bloggers? MMM?
Shah. X
Hi AubrieAnne! Thanks again for my very first lovely award! :-)
ReplyDelete-The Creative Muslimah
Selena...You are more than welcome!
ReplyDeleteDonna...You're welcome! It is very cool to get the same one!!!
Shah...No problem. The first thing I do is copy the portion of this post on the Stylish Blog Award and paste it into a word document. Second, customize it to you with your 7 things about you and the 15 or so people you are going to give the award to. Third, post it on your blog as a new entry. Fourth, right click on the picture of the award and save in the pictures on your computer. Fifth, go into the "design" portion of your blog and pick up the blogger gadget that allows you to add a picture to the sidebar of you blog. This award is just a picture and not a button so you don't have to worry about connecting a link to it. Sixth, coose the award as your picture!!!
I hope this helps. If you get stuck at any point just let me know and I will walk you through it. Plus, if anyone else knows a better way to do this, jump in and let us know :)
Creative Muslimah...You are very welcome! I love that it is your first award. You deserved it!
Hi there, new follower here.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the awards :0
Happy New Year.
I hope you'll stop by and follow me back when you get a chance.
Kudos on the additional award!
ReplyDeleteHello! I'm your newest follower from Hug & Love Thursday. :) Hope you can stop by and return the follow!
ReplyDeleteI love these personal questions... I also hate talking on the phone. People find it rather strange because I am generally so personable and chatty in person and through my blog/email, but there is just something about the phone that I hate!
oh and hi again! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your wonderful posts. I love reading through your posts whenever I get the time to do so. You're so passionate about what you write, which is why I've awarded you the Stylish blogger Award too. :-)
check out the following link for more information:
Enjoy your award!
-The Creative Muslimah
thanks! this i love this! my first award ever! :) i already passed it on.
ReplyDeletePain sux...Welcome and thank you. Yes, I will come by and look at your blog!
Holly...Thanks for finding me. Yeah, the questions are ton of fun. I will be by to look at your site!
The Creative Muslimah...Hello again, and thank you very much!!!
Grace...Awesome, spread the love around. It's been a blast and you're very welcome!
DAMN IT! I dreamt last night that I hadn't 'delivered' your award and I haven't? I'm SOOOO sorry. Think it's because I did it all in a rush before bedtime and as I'd already been to your site a few times in my muddled head, I thought I'd already done so. What am I like?
ReplyDeleteObviously the most important of the awards i had to give goes to you - !! (But does that mean you have to reveal another seven facts or does it not. It could start to be a little annoying after a handful of awards I imagine) ;) XX
lol. I saw on your post that you gave it to me as well so I just modified my post so that it thanked you as well. Thank you so much Shah! I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteOh YAY! Thank you SO much!! i am coming home from Florida today - so I will do this when I get back. I'm totally excited!!!
ReplyDeleteYou rock my socks and made my day - thanks for a great start to my New Year!
You are so welcome! I'm looking forward to your entry! I'll be on the look out!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the award Aubrie! Here's my official "acceptance" post:
ReplyDeleteSarah...So cool! I'm coming to check it out now.