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As many of you can see, I've been a pretty terrible blogger lately! What can I say...Life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The *NEW* Bookmark Break Challenge 2012!

Last year, I made a resolution to myself to SAVE THE BOOKMARKS!!! I wanted to read and FINISH as many books as I possibly could in the year of 2011. Now, I want to do the same in 2012 and push myself to read more than I did last year!

I just know my poor bookmarks are suffocating! There are too many books on my shelf that have been left unread, a veritable prison, trapping my bookmarks! Don't they deserve a Holiday too?

And everyone can do the same! Just pull out all those books you have started or that are gathering dust on your shelf, brush them off, crack them open, and start reading. Keep a list of the books you complete on your blog! Every single book you FINISH in 2012 (January 1st-December 31st) will count!

Challenge Rules! (Please read on. It's not that bad!)
  1. LEAVE A COMMENT that says you are entering the challenge so I know who is interested. (See? Easy!)
  2. BEGIN A LIST on a new page of your blog or your blog sidebar entitled "Bookmark Break Book List 2012" and start cataloguing all the books you FINISH in 2012.
  3. OPTIONAL: Please, help me try and promote this challenge. Either post about it on your own blog, keep updates on your blog, grab my lovely button, tweet and retweet about it, add it to facebook, or simply tell people about it. I would really appreciate it. Of course, this is not required of the competition.
Challenge Guidelines! (Again, not that bad!)
  1. ANY book you finish in 2012 is eligible, meaning that you didn't have to have started the book in 2012. You may have a book that has one page left to read and if you finish reading that one page in 2012 it counts!
  2. Books that you are rereading or reading for class count!
  3. Poetry Books, Graphic Novels, Plays, Collections of Short Stories, Nonfiction Books, etc. also count!
  4. Magazines and Comic Books DO NOT count!
  5. The Book/Collection/ect MUST be 100 PAGES OR MORE to be eligible!
  6. Post all books read in 2012 on your list so that I may keep track of your progress throughout the year! (NOTE: If you do not wish to post your list somewhere on your blog and prefer to keep track in a journal or on another website, please let me know so that we can work out the kinks.)
  7. Complete your list by January 1st, 2013 at 12:00 am! I don't care if the world comes to an end! What is on your list at Midnight is your final count!
Now for the fun stuff! PRIZES!!! Anyone and Everyone that reads more books than I do in the year of 2013 will get their blog button posted on my sidebar for the ENTIRE year of 2013! Plus, regardless of winner or not, you will recieve a special participants or WINNER button, made by ME! AND...Well, you might just have to wait a bit to find out! (Meaning, I am torn between a couple different ideas, but I will figure it out! Just want to think of something extra special this year!)

Who’s Your Editor?
This is the competitor's list thus far! If your name is not already on the list and you would like to participate for the year of 2012, please let me know in the comments below. EVERYONE and ANYONE is invited! Even if you did not participate in 2011, you are MORE than welcome to join in this year! NOW is the best time to join! Nevertheless, you can join ANY TIME this year, just get your booklist up and let me know!

Competitor's List:
PS. I now realize that I went a little BOLD crazy! Forgive me, but I am excited!


  1. Since I'm back in the blogging world I'd love to participate :D I'm not sure yet if I'll post them on my blog or not - but we'll figure it out :)

    ~ Ruthie ~

  2. Ruthie...YEAH! Glad you are back in the bloggin world. I have added you to the competitor's list. Just let me know when you figure out how you want to keep track of your books.

  3. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog, yeah it's been a while, but I'm going to try to do better this year. I wish I'd kept track of everything I read last year like I'd planned to, but you know me! I figure I read about 200 bucks last year if not more, I usually finish one a night when I'm reading, but there was a while I was out of books! I'll think about it and see if I'm up to officially taking part and let you know! lol

  4. I posted about the challenge :) http://ruthiestickney.blogspot.com/2012/01/bookmark-break-challenge-2012.html

  5. Donna...You are so very VERY welcome! And I would love it if you joined the challenge! You don't have to worry so much about the list. I wouldn't want it to interfere with anyone's reading. As long as it is updated a few times a year and completed by the end of the year, then you are really good to go! I check the lists about once a month just to see where everone is at, but that doesn't mean you would have to be completely updated everytime I look. The important one is the last one on Jan 1st! PLEASE consider. It could be a blast!

    Ruthie...THANK YOU!!! That's great! and I see you have a list up! I linked to it and added that you have already read 1 book. ME TOO!

  6. I SO want to do this! This is a wonderful idea :)

  7. I will be joining in! Very excited to keep track of my reading this year. I even blogged about the challenge: www.tervotimes.blogspot.com

  8. Julie and Sierra...EXCELLENT! I will add you to the competitor's list today. Just get your lists built and I will link up to them! :)

  9. I want in! I saw it on Ruthie's blog and have decided it is something I would like to do!

  10. corinajoyc...Perfect! I will add you to the competitor's list. Do you know where on your blog you would like to start your books list? Let me know and I will link your name on the cempetitor's list to your book list.

  11. Corina...Nevermind. I found your list and have linked it to your name! Thanks a bunch!

  12. YAY! I entered now as well!
    Link on the left side on my blog and did a post about it. The updated list is on the top right hand side of the blog! :)

  13. ib...Excellent! I will add you to the competitor's list and get you all linked up!

  14. Oh yes yes! I want in please. I'm off to build myself a nifty little sidebar right now!

  15. Lynnette...I'm adding you to the competitor's list today!

  16. Oh, I wanna play (I mean, read). For years, as a homeschooling mama of small kids, I could only focus on magazine article length reading.

    Just lately, I seem to be needed much less often. More time to write (and read!) for me.

    Not to mention that we are planning to move into a travel trailer in a year or so, to have a prolonged wandering adventure....

    I need to reduce the stacks waiting, all through the house, to be read.....and I never can find a bookmark, anyway!

    I will be adding a page or sidebar to my newly spiffed writer's blog, shanjeniah.wordpress.com within the next day or three.

    Just what I needed....another reason to READ!!!

    1. Shan...Excellent! I will add you to the list today!

    2. Is that link correct? I just got a bunch of petitions.

    3. Nevermind, I just read that you were on a black out. I keep a lookout for your blog to be fully up and running. Or, shoot me a link when your list is up. :) Good luck with the protest.

  17. I'd like to join the challenge

    1. Excellent. I will add you to the competitor's list. Let me know when you book list is up and leave me a link so that I may link your name on the competitor's list. Thanks! Glad to have you!

    2. Nevermind! I found it! :) You are all set!

  18. I am loving this challenge - it lets me justify my obsessive reading habit. And having to update my books on my blog is helping me meet goals for another Challenge I'm in. Thanks!


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