It's been a long time since I've done one of these, but I am more than happy to introduce you all to more fabulous bloggers! Well, most of you know the drill. This is a Weenend Wonder Feature. To find out more about the Weekend Wonders and read other features
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This lovely weekend, we have Casper! She has recently come onto the Who's Your Editor scene, but has already made herself a great little piece to our puzzle, having already joined the
Bookmark Break Challenge and giving some of the top contenders a run for their money. Here's a little bit more that you may not have known...
General Questions…
Name: Amani
Penname: Casper Starr
A sentence or two about yourself: My name means peace, which
is silly, because I’m the least peaceful person that I know. I’m really, really
shy, but I’m trying to get over that.
A sentence or two on what your blog is about: My blog is
about books and writing. My seventeen-year-old take on them anyway.
Book Lover Questions…
A book Casper read recently! |
What is your favorite book and why? Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire. I think it’s the best book in the series, because it’s smack in
the middle of it (so it has just the right amount of lightheartedness mixed with
Other favorites? Anything by Eoin Colfer. I also like
Stardust and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, and the Infernal Devices Series
by Cassandra Clare, as well as The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Oh, and
The Princess Bride, by William Goldman.
What’s your favorite genre to read? YA Fantasy
Where do you like to read? Anywhere that’s comfortable.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper, definitely.
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books? Buy, but lately I’ve
been borrowing.
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit
chapter breaks? I try to stop at chapter breaks, unless I’m too exhausted, then
I just put a bookmark in and go to sleep.
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away,
sell it, or give it away? Keep it. I’m really iffy when it comes to my books. I
hardly ever lend them to people.
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by
friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.) I browse the shelves at bookstores until
I find something that seems interesting.
Do prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part
of a series? I like series, but it’s irritating to have to wait for the next
book to come out.
So You Want to be a Writer questions…
A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog
entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write? I have two blogs which I update
often – one is private and the other one is just about my writing and reading
experiences. Right now, I’m working on a TV script for Script Frenzy, as well as
part three of my novella series The Ant Files.
Did you always know that you wanted to write? I suppose… deep
down inside? I only realized it when I was fourteen though.
Favorite Questions…
Casper's favorite movie! |
What’s your favorite food? Bread. Anything goes with
Favorite color? Pink!
Favorite song? Anything that doesn’t make me cry?
Favorite movie? Uh, Mean Girls :D (and Ocean’s Eleven)
Favorite TV show? Friends, How I Met Your Mother, My Wife and
Kids, Gossip Girl, 90210, Modern Family (I can’t choose one)
Random Questions…
If you developed a superpower what would it be and why?
Telekinesis. I could extract revenge on lots of people hehehehe
What did you want to be when you were little? An artist. Then
a teacher. And then an artist again.
What is the answer to life? Do what makes you happy.