Updates! Updates! Updates!
As many of you can see, I've been a pretty terrible blogger lately! What can I say...Life.
As many of you can see, I've been a pretty terrible blogger lately! What can I say...Life.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Better late than never!
Hey guys! Long time, but I'm back for a bit so that I can finish up the Bookmark Break Challenge. So have all your lists updated by midnight on the 31st of December. Just a few updates...probably gonna drop the Movie Madness Challenge. Just been really busy! I'm loving my new job and I've actually sat down and written more of my book. It's great!!! Hope everyone had an amazing New Year. Maybe I'll see you around!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
A Very Very VERY Late Bookmark Break Challenge Update (9 Months)!!!
Hello all you beautiful people that I haven't talked to in over 3 months!!! Let me tell you, my home town gets infested in the months of June, July, and August!!! There were tourists up the wazoo and I had to serve every single one of them! Ughhhhh! I am happy that things are slowing down and I can get back to some fun.
Did I mention that I literally stoped reading and writing for those three months!! It was unbearable, but I'm back at it. I've read four books in the last week and a half and if feels GOOOOOOOD!
Take a look at the competitor's list. It's changed quite a bit since I've been gone...
Competitor's List:
YESSSSSS! Looking great! I don't even mind that I;ve slipped down almost six spots! your guys rock! Plus, I plan on catching up!
Also, if you are looking for a good read, check out thses last few books I read/am still reading! I've really hit a streak of great reads. I've listed them from the bestest to best in my opinion....
A QUICK UPDATE ON ME!!! In bullet points for your convenience...
Did I mention that I literally stoped reading and writing for those three months!! It was unbearable, but I'm back at it. I've read four books in the last week and a half and if feels GOOOOOOOD!
Take a look at the competitor's list. It's changed quite a bit since I've been gone...
Competitor's List:
- Susan (114 Books)
- Ruthie (98 Books)
- Casper (90 Books)
- Kea (85 Books)
- PoeKitten (65 Books)
- Corina (55 Books)
- Julie (45 Books)
- Natalie (44 Books)
- SimplyMe (41 Books)
- Sierra (41 Books)
- Kyria (40 Books)
- Lynette (35 Books)
- Shah (34 Books)
- AubrieAnne (33 Books)
- Ib (23 Books)
- Eden Mabee (18 Books)
- Tegan (17 Books)
- Shan (10 Books)
- Andi (8 Books)
- Cheney (7 Books)
- The Creative Muslimah (6 Book)
- Patrick (3 Books)
- Lesley (3 Book)
- Mrs. Facehead (1 Book)
YESSSSSS! Looking great! I don't even mind that I;ve slipped down almost six spots! your guys rock! Plus, I plan on catching up!
Also, if you are looking for a good read, check out thses last few books I read/am still reading! I've really hit a streak of great reads. I've listed them from the bestest to best in my opinion....
- Divergent (YA/Dystopian
- Sunshine (YA/Modern Fantasy)
- The Pledge (YA/Dystopian)
- The Death Cure (YA/Post Apocalyptic)
- Match (YA/Dystopian)
A QUICK UPDATE ON ME!!! In bullet points for your convenience...
- Worked in a bar for the last 3 months (ungodly busy place!)
- Am done working at the bar in 6 days (YEAH!)
- Got a new job that starts in two weeks. I am now the Internal Sales Coordinator for a company that does all the tshirts/swag/fun-stuff-with-logos-on-it for some of the largest companies in the area.
- Picked up an unpaid internship in copywriting just for fun.
- Still trying to finish at least 1 out of the 2 novels I am writing.
- Still making jewelry and selling it in local shops.
- Looking forward to recieving Shah's book in the mail so I can edit it!!
- That's it...For now!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Bookmark Break Challenge (6 Month Update!)
I read 4 books this month! Not nearly as many as last month, but I am still on track for my goal!
I haven't been on my blog lately, mostly because I've been away from a computer for a very long time, but I wouldn't forget about this!!! We are half way there! Let's see where everyone is at!
Competitor's List:
Keep on keeping people! Loving how things are getting a bit more mixed up this time around.
PS. Sorry for the short post, but I am finally getting a chance to work on my book and I am going for it!
I haven't been on my blog lately, mostly because I've been away from a computer for a very long time, but I wouldn't forget about this!!! We are half way there! Let's see where everyone is at!
Competitor's List:
- Ruthie (98 Books)
- Susan (75 Books)
- Casper (73 Books)
- PoeKitten (53 Books)
- Corina (42 Books)
- Kea (40 Books)
- Kyria (33 Books)
- Natalie (32 Books)
- Julie (32 Books)
- AubrieAnne (29 Books)
- SimplyMe (27 Books)
- Sierra (27 Books)
- Shah (26 Books)
- Lynette (25 Books)
- Eden Mabee (18 Books)
- Tegan (12 Books)
- Ib (11 Books)
- Shan (10 Books)
- Andi (8 Books)
- Cheney (7 Books)
- The Creative Muslimah (4 Book)
- Patrick (3 Books)
- Lesley (3 Book)
- Mrs. Facehead (1 Book)
Keep on keeping people! Loving how things are getting a bit more mixed up this time around.
PS. Sorry for the short post, but I am finally getting a chance to work on my book and I am going for it!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Note to Others #2
Note to others...Don't sass your coworkers through email! That's called a paper trail!
Words are precious and powerful. They need to be thought about before they are written, let alone spoken out loud.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Bookmark Break Challenge (5 Months Update!)
I Read 9 Books This Month!!!
But I don't want to brag or anything. Just very happy!
Another month, another update as per usual. I saw some numbers, not unlike my own, skyrocket this month! That's always very nice to see. Take a look where the standings are at...
Competitor's List:
- Ruthie (98 Books)
- Casper (65 Books)
- Susan (63 Books)
- PoeKitten (44 Books)
- Corina (33 Books)
- Natalie (32 Books)
- Kyria (27 Books)
- AubrieAnne (25 Books)
- Julie (25 Books)
- Shah (25 Books)
- SimplyMe (23 Books)
- Sierra (23 Books)
- Lynette (23 Books)
- Eden Mabee (18 Books)
- Ib (11 Books)
- Shan (10 Books)
- Kea (10 Books)
- Tegan (9 Books)
- Andi (8 Books)
- Cheney (7 Books)
- The Creative Muslimah (3 Book)
- Patrick (3 Books)
- Lesley (3 Book)
- Mrs. Facehead (1 Book)
I think it is time for a bit of an Impromtu Q & A!!!
Answer these questions for me...
1. What book was the biggest pain this month?
2. What book do you recommend?
3. Tell me a quick story about how you found one of the books you read this month or how it found you. (Not technically a question, but feel free to leave an answer in the comments or write your own blog post on it!)
4. If you didn't read a lot this month or haven't had any of these experiences then just tell me what you read and what you thought of it!
Here are my answers!
1. The biggest pain was Anna Karenina, but I buckled down and finished it off in a couple of days (I admit, there was some skimming in the middle.) Sadly, I didn't get much out of my second read. Just, still don't like the book.
2. Out of all the books I did finish this month I would highly suggest Sisters Red, especially if you like a good modern fantasy. Some characters were a bit flat, but I loved one of the main characters, Scarlett! Her character made it all worth it!
3. I found Outlaws of Sherwood because of a book review that Ruthie over at Live, Love, Laugh, Write! wrote quite a while ago. I am a sucker for a good Robin Hood book so I couldn't turn it down. It took me a very long time to find it, though. It wasn't in any of the mainstream bookstores that I could find. Suddenly, when I had given up looking and thought of just buying it online, there it was, in the basement of one of my favorite bookstores in town, just waiting for me, and reasonably priced! I had to start reading it the second I got it home!
4. N/A. I had lots to talk about this month!
Looking forward to hearing from you guys! and HAPPY READING in the month of JUNE!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
A Dialogue...Between my Roommate and her Fiance (Scene 2)
I don't know about you guys but I find this stuff hilarious!
The Scene: (3 weeks ago) My roommate spends $30 on a container of wildflower seeds and fertilizer. She plants them the next day in the field in front of the house. (Present day) Me, my roommate, and my roommate's sister are in the kitchen baking cookies. My roommate's fiance walks in the door, having just finished mowing the lawn.
The Dialogue:
The Scene: (3 weeks ago) My roommate spends $30 on a container of wildflower seeds and fertilizer. She plants them the next day in the field in front of the house. (Present day) Me, my roommate, and my roommate's sister are in the kitchen baking cookies. My roommate's fiance walks in the door, having just finished mowing the lawn.
The Dialogue:
Honey, I mowed the lawn and made it bigger!
What do you mean?
I mowed down front.
How far?
Past the tree line!
You jerk! You mowed down all my wild flowers!
Looks outside. I don't see any wildflowers.
That's becuase he just mowed them all down.
Sister and I continue to laugh until we cry while roommate and fiance fight in the background.
End Scene:
Oh! The beauty of living with an almost married couple. Just too funny! If only roommate #2 was around more to enjoy it as much as I do. There are always tons of people at the house with roommates family, roommate's fiance's family, other roommate, and friends. Anyone else have a crazy living situation? Love it? Hate it?
Oh! The beauty of living with an almost married couple. Just too funny! If only roommate #2 was around more to enjoy it as much as I do. There are always tons of people at the house with roommates family, roommate's fiance's family, other roommate, and friends. Anyone else have a crazy living situation? Love it? Hate it?
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
A Dialogue...Between my Roommate and her Fiance!
The Scene: Me, my roommate, her fiance, my roommates sister, and two of our good friends are all sitting in the kitchen discussing the expensive things we want.
The Dialogue:
The Dialogue:
I want a new coat, but the one I like is $125.
Friend 1 (Female):
My boyfriend just bought me a new purse. It's leather!
I like it!
I want a new dress for my cousins wedding, but the one I like is $225.
Friend 1:
I told myself that if I can make that in one night at the resturaunt then I can have it.
Friend 2 (Male):
I want an American Eagle credit card.
What's the percent on that?
Friend 2:
Why don't you get one that actually makes you points.
Yeah, why don't you just use the Amazon card?
You're giving me permission to use your Amazon credit card?
Honey, we're getting married. It's our credit card.
End Scene!
Just another random conversation in the house.
For all you engaged/married couples out there, wouldn't you just love to hear this?
Friday, May 25, 2012
You Can't Go Wrong...
cute dogs and cute babies!!!
All the pics of puppies are of Rupert! (Or Roo, as I like to call him.) He is my roommates new baby. And then the babies, starting at the top right is my cousin August, bottom right is my cousin D'Etta, and middle left is my cousin Wyatt. They all say hello!
Happy Friday Everyone!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
A Dialogue...Between Me and my Roommate.
The Scene: My roommate and I are sitting quietly in front of the television eating fruitsnacks.
The Dialogue:
The Dialogue:
I need you to give me a book.
For what? To read?
(gives me semi-dirty look)
Are you reading for fun?
I only have books you read for fun.
Well, I get bored at work and I can't watch movies. I tried and it was too bright outside to see the screen.
Gotcha. Well, I have lots of books.
End Scene.
Ah, I just love the circumstances that empower people to pick up a book? Anyone else have a similar experience?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tagged by Sarah
Tagged by Sarah @ My Own Little Corner!
2. What's your most annoying trait?
Me? Annoying? Okay, but only sometimes. I tend to get very loud when I am excited!
3. Ryan Gosling or Taye Diggs?
Ryan Gosling, at least from Crazy, Stupid Love and NOT The Notebook! I like my brooders, but not that kind of brooding.
4. When are you at your best?
Probably when hanging out with family or friends. They're really the same thing.
5. What is the answer to the universe?
Besides 42? If there is one thing I have learned in my ife so far it is that you are the one and ONLY thing in this entire universe that you can control. So, don't try to control anything else because it is futile. Simply try your best, do your best, and be your best. That's all anyone can expect.
6. What do you geek out for?
The list honestly goes on and on. I am a geek especially for books and movies and some precious tv shows. That's for sure. But I also freak over some foods. I get all geeky when I make plans with friends and family. Really anything that makes me happy. I freaked over a new set of sheets the other day because they were so comfy!!!
7. GLEE or Criminal Minds?
GLEE! I don't always catch every episode, but I keep up!
8. What is your superpower?
Hmmm...I know superpowers I would like to have, but ones I already possess? I tend to remember a lot of random facts. I do well in trivia because I can get a lot of the odd questions that my teammates cannot. I'm also a good multitasker and communicater, but now this is just sounding like my resume. lol!
9. If you could LIVE anywhere, where would it be?
That's a tough one! There are plenty of places I would like to visit, but I don't know if I would like living there. I hoestly love where I live and have been trying very hard to make a living here. It will happen eventually. I guess if I were braver, I would like to live somewhere in europe. Maybe Greece.
10. Favorite Blog?
I read a lot of different blogs, even if I don't always keep up. I love all my Bookmark Break Bloggers! They've been real troopers during my year and a half of competitions. I also love Shah at Wordsinsync, as most of you know, and Sarah at My Own Little Corner and I have hit it off from the beginning! Other than that, Donna from Write Now Write Later, JJ from the Disconnected Writer, Patrick from The Divergent Life, my Bloggerholics Anonymous, and so many more!
1. Photo of me
2.10 randoms
3. Q&A
4. Tag!
1. Photo of me
2.10 randoms
3. Q&A
4. Tag!
1. Smile!
![]() |
St. Patrick's Day, Chicago. The river was just dyed GREEN! |
2. Randomness
I don't know how I will be able to come up with 10 more random facts about myself, might have to be REALLY random, but here goes nothing...
1. I eat tacos at least once a week when I live on my own. It's just the easiest and yummiest thing to make. I made tacos last night!
2. The last few trips to the grocery store has ended with me just buying 3-5 diferent kinds of drinks. Last trip I bought Squirt, Starbucks Mochas, and Orange Pellegrino!
3. I see a lot of movies in the theaters, probably about 3 a month or almost once a week.
4. Most of the movies I buy I have never seen before. I just like getting them and watching them at my own convenience. It's a no pressure kind of a lifestyle. lol.
5. I've only hated one person in my entire life (I will not name this person). However, that has faded and I really just don't care about them anymore.
6. My nextdoor neighbor's kid will only eat the blue fruit snacks. So we share a bag. He gets the blue ones and I get all the rest. :) Pretty sure I'm almost sick of fruit snacks.
7. I say the word participate or participant very slowly, because if I don't it comes out all wrong. I can say it perfectly in my head, but it usually comes out of my mouth wrong.
8. In first grade I always messed up my "C"s and "S"s.
9. In second grade, I missed the day we learned how to write a "B" in cursive. So, I just made up my own way of writing it. To this day, I still don't write it correctly.
10. I was in the school spelling bee twice and I still know the two words I failed to spell. They were "cannonball" and "technology." I've never forgotten since.
Ha! I like to see the route my mind takes. It starts with food and then moves to words! lol.
3. Q&A
1. If you didn't have a/kid(s) right now where do you think you'd be?Considering the fact that I don't have children, logic would only suggest that I'd be exactly where I am now. :)2. What's your most annoying trait?
Me? Annoying? Okay, but only sometimes. I tend to get very loud when I am excited!
3. Ryan Gosling or Taye Diggs?
Ryan Gosling, at least from Crazy, Stupid Love and NOT The Notebook! I like my brooders, but not that kind of brooding.
4. When are you at your best?
Probably when hanging out with family or friends. They're really the same thing.
5. What is the answer to the universe?
Besides 42? If there is one thing I have learned in my ife so far it is that you are the one and ONLY thing in this entire universe that you can control. So, don't try to control anything else because it is futile. Simply try your best, do your best, and be your best. That's all anyone can expect.
6. What do you geek out for?
The list honestly goes on and on. I am a geek especially for books and movies and some precious tv shows. That's for sure. But I also freak over some foods. I get all geeky when I make plans with friends and family. Really anything that makes me happy. I freaked over a new set of sheets the other day because they were so comfy!!!
7. GLEE or Criminal Minds?
GLEE! I don't always catch every episode, but I keep up!
8. What is your superpower?
Hmmm...I know superpowers I would like to have, but ones I already possess? I tend to remember a lot of random facts. I do well in trivia because I can get a lot of the odd questions that my teammates cannot. I'm also a good multitasker and communicater, but now this is just sounding like my resume. lol!
9. If you could LIVE anywhere, where would it be?
That's a tough one! There are plenty of places I would like to visit, but I don't know if I would like living there. I hoestly love where I live and have been trying very hard to make a living here. It will happen eventually. I guess if I were braver, I would like to live somewhere in europe. Maybe Greece.
10. Favorite Blog?
I read a lot of different blogs, even if I don't always keep up. I love all my Bookmark Break Bloggers! They've been real troopers during my year and a half of competitions. I also love Shah at Wordsinsync, as most of you know, and Sarah at My Own Little Corner and I have hit it off from the beginning! Other than that, Donna from Write Now Write Later, JJ from the Disconnected Writer, Patrick from The Divergent Life, my Bloggerholics Anonymous, and so many more!
4. Tag, you’re it!
I'm gonna pull a Sarah here and say you are ALL TAGGED!! Go for it and tell me a bit more about yourself. If you feel so inclined, leave me a link to your post so I can read it!
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
I've Been Tagged in The Lucky 7 Meme!
I Was Tagged With The Lucky 7 Meme! by Shah from Wordsinsync!
How exciting! I love when things like this come around, especially if it has anything to do with my reading or writing. Read more to find out what this is all about...
These are the 7 lines that follow the 7th line on my 77th page of Strangers in the Dark!
How exciting! I love when things like this come around, especially if it has anything to do with my reading or writing. Read more to find out what this is all about...
Right, so what do I have to do now?
The Lucky 7 Meme rules are....
- Go to page 7 or 77 in your current manuscript.
- Go to line 7.
- Copy down the next seven lines (sentences??) as they are – no cheating.
- Tag 7 other authors.
These are the 7 lines that follow the 7th line on my 77th page of Strangers in the Dark!
“Please do.” His casualties and mannerisms always threw me off guard.
“So,” I managed to say, “what brings you to this rooftop?”
“You, of course,” he answered so quickly.
I blushed, a bit flattered, but mostly afraid of his intentions. However, since I was determined to figure the man out, I pressed on without the slightest air of uncertainty.
“I see, and how is it that you always know where I am?”
The 7 People I Tagged...
- Aimee @ Seeking the Write Life
- Donna @ Write now Write Later
- JJ @ The Disconnected Writer
- Sarah @ My Own Little Corner
- Dawn @ Aurora's Page
- and 7. I'm not sure who else is a writer, besides Shah, of course, so if you write, feel free to jump in here. Leave me a comment about your post and I will come and check it out. :)
Friday, May 18, 2012
Book Review #12: "Game of Thrones" by George R.R. Martin

Sorry guys, but not so into it. The only character I
remotely liked at the end was Jon and Martin really didn't give him much to do.
I used to love Renly until I realized absolutely nothing was going to be done
with his character…what a complete shame. Tyrion was funny, but not one I can easily relate to. I already knew Eddard's fate so I
tried not to get attached. All the girls are flipping annoying, except for
Arya, but again, nothing done with her storyline. Every time her plot got
interesting, Martin dropped her to move onto other more boring characters and
forgot about her until ten chapters later, and, by then, it feels like he just
forgot to write something in her point of view in such a long time that he
might as well stick something in there so his audience doesn’t completely
forget about her existence.
I’m not even going to get started with the sex scenes. If it
isn’t rape or incest, I don’t know what to call it.
My greatest pet peeves are really these two things though.
1) Are these characters forbidden to talk to each other? The book is written in several points of view. 8, I think. And, I know these characters are
technically scattered across this country, but for the sake of the story, can’t
they cross paths once in a long while. I wanted them to interact and talk with
one another, but apparently that may never happen. 2) Isn’t this categorized as
fantasy? Besides the idea of the Direwolves, some little dragons in the last few lines, and some supposed array of beasts
that live beyond the wall, I’m not seeing much.
Strongly considering not touching the second book. It’s
feeling more like torture than entertainment at this point.
I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. Also, I know there are several out there who probably feel the complete opposite. Tell me about it!
I have also seen some of the HBO series and do intend to continue watching here and there, if not for the sake of seeing how it differs from the book. I've had a lot of luck lately with books I didn't like turning into shows I love. Anyway, feel free to chat with me about the show too.
I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. Also, I know there are several out there who probably feel the complete opposite. Tell me about it!
I have also seen some of the HBO series and do intend to continue watching here and there, if not for the sake of seeing how it differs from the book. I've had a lot of luck lately with books I didn't like turning into shows I love. Anyway, feel free to chat with me about the show too.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Ultimate Result...
The Ultimate Result...of Boredom in the Office.
I'd like to thank my brain for constantly running and finding something creative to do even at the slowest of times. I'd also like to thank instagram for making my photography look far superior than it actually is. I thank the office supplies that posed as models and my desk lamp for providing the dramatic lighting. Finally, I thank my readers for humoring me with yet another random post.
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Friday, May 11, 2012
An interesting little grammar factoid!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Movie Madness Challenge

Would anyone like to join me?
I'm not thinking about challenging anyone to see if they can watch more movies, or see more movies in theaters, especially since that involves spending money, but more a challenge to just keep track. Could be kind of fun!
Well, I'm off to create my page. Please let me know if you are going to keep track too. Then, I will add a link to your list somewhere on my page!
Happy movie watching!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Bookmark Break Challenge (4 Month Update!)
Another month and another fabulous update!!! Of course, I haven't been doing anything this month, apparently. I think I read one book. :( However, many of you are kicking this competition into gear! So, way to go!
Check out the standings thus far...
Competitor's List:
Here's what I've read so far...
My Book List:
Currently Reading:
Check out the standings thus far...
Competitor's List:
- Ruthie (69 Books)
- Casper (61 Books) *Casper now has a public blog!! Go and check it out and see her book list for the first time. Maybe you have read some of the same stuff!
- Susan (58 Books)
- PoeKitten (39 Books)
- Natalie (28 Books)
- Corina (27 Books)
- Shah (21 Books)
- Julie (21 Books)
- Sierra (21 Books)
- Kyria (19 Books)
- Lynette (18 Books)
- Eden Mabee (18 Books)
- SimplyMe (18 Books)
- AubrieAnne (16 Books)
- Ib (11 Books)
- Shan (10 Books)
- Kea (10 Books)
- Tegan (9 Books)
- Andi (8 Books)
- Cheney (7 Books)
- Lesley (3 Book)
- The Creative Muslimah (2 Book)
- Mrs. Facehead (1 Book)
- Patrick---Let me know when your list is up! Thank you.
- Glenda---Let me know when your list is up! Thank you.
Here's what I've read so far...
My Book List:
- Haiku for the Single Girl (Poetry/Comedy)
- The Web of Titan (YA/Sci-Fi/Space/Post-Apocalyptic)
- The Hunger Games (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read
- One for the Money (Fiction/Comedy)
- Catching Fire (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read
- Outside In (YA/Dystopian)
- Uglies (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read
- Touch of Power (Fantasy)
- The Secret Garden (Classical Literature) *Kindle
- Incarceron (YA/Futuristic Fantasy)
- Prisoner of Time (YA/Romance)
- Two for the Dough (Fiction/Comedy)
- True Belonging (Non-Fiction/Pyschology)
- City of Ashes (YA/Modern Fantasy)
- Mockingjay (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read
- Red Riding Hood (YA/Fantasy)
Currently Reading:
- The Host (YA/ Science Fiction) *2nd Read *Page 12
- Game of Thrones (Fantasy) *2nd Read *Page 513
- Outlander (Literature/Historical Fantasy) *2nd Read *Page 136
- Anna Karenina (Classical Literature) *2nd Read *Page 84
Thursday, April 26, 2012
"Cabin in the Woods" Movie Review

Ever get tired of the same formulaic horror movie where five kids hop in the car to go to someone's cousin's cabin in the woods, only to be picked off one by one by a redneck zombie family? Ever wonder why there is a formula in the first place? Then, this is the movie for you!!!
An absolutely strange mixture of classic modern horror, scifi/fantasy goodness! The movie will build and build in intensity, and just when you think you are going to scream, someone makes a wise crack and you end up laughing instead.
Be prepared to yell "WHAT?!" and "COOL?!" at the exact same time!
This is going on my list to buy the day it comes out!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Note to Self #4
Note to Self...Find more time in the day. For what? Everything that doesn't begin with WO and end with RK!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Discussion Topic: Do you Reread?

I'm partial to rereading books, but not every book. It has to be one of my favorites (in which case I can read the book more than twice, three times, ten times, it really doesn't matter), or it has to be one that caught my interest, but there was something that I didn't quite get and it deserves one more read to really cement it in my mind. Another scenario would be when a movie or tv show is being made out of the book and I want to catch up again before seeing it. :)
Although, I know there are people out there that would never reread a book. Why reread when there are so many new books out there that you have yet to read? Better to have more books under your belt than a few?
Either way it's reading!!! Check out this interesting article on the 26 Benefits of Reading!
So, your turn! Do you reread? Why or why not? Do you see any benefit to rereading? To not rereading?
I'd love to hear from you!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Awards on a Monday!
There's really not a lot of great things about Monday so it is nice when little surprises come your way! Shah, a complete sweetheart, has left me an award that will allow all of you to get to know me a little more and maybe even have the award passed on! Here are the rules and questions I need to answer...
The rules for this challenge include answering the following questions:
The rules for this challenge include answering the following questions:
- Favorite colour- Purple!!
- Favorite Animal- Horses and bunnies!
- Favorite number - I have always liked the numbers 7 and 13.
- Favorite non-alcoholic drink - Dark Chocolate Mochas!
- Facebook or Twitter - Facebook. I have a Twitter, but I never usually post to it personally. Some of my other accounts just do it automatically. Like Facebook or my Etsy.
- My passion - Reading and Writing! I am determined to make both a huge part of my life!
- Getting or giving presents - Is it bad if I say both!? I love to give bcause it is always fun to find that perfect something (or just that totally strange something!) I also love recieving them, especially when it's a surprise (like not my birthday or Christmas.) Even the dumbest, most random thing, can put a smile on my face.
- Favorite Pattern- Strange question! I guess polka dots?
- Favorite day of week - I like Fridays. It's that last day to get everything done from the week and then go out and have fun, stay up late, because you know tomorrow is a free day!
- Favorite flower - Poppies! or Lilacs! Unfortunately, neither last very long, but are just gorgous and fragrant when they spring up.
I'll try to get around to everyone soon to let them know I nominated them. :) Just might not happen all today.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Weekend Wonder: Casper

This lovely weekend, we have Casper! She has recently come onto the Who's Your Editor scene, but has already made herself a great little piece to our puzzle, having already joined the Bookmark Break Challenge and giving some of the top contenders a run for their money. Here's a little bit more that you may not have known...
General Questions…
Name: Amani
Penname: Casper Starr
A sentence or two about yourself: My name means peace, which
is silly, because I’m the least peaceful person that I know. I’m really, really
shy, but I’m trying to get over that.
Link to blog: zoelastname.blogspot.com
A sentence or two on what your blog is about: My blog is
about books and writing. My seventeen-year-old take on them anyway.
Book Lover Questions…
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A book Casper read recently! |
What is your favorite book and why? Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire. I think it’s the best book in the series, because it’s smack in
the middle of it (so it has just the right amount of lightheartedness mixed with
Other favorites? Anything by Eoin Colfer. I also like
Stardust and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, and the Infernal Devices Series
by Cassandra Clare, as well as The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Oh, and
The Princess Bride, by William Goldman.
What’s your favorite genre to read? YA Fantasy
Where do you like to read? Anywhere that’s comfortable.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper, definitely.
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books? Buy, but lately I’ve
been borrowing.
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit
chapter breaks? I try to stop at chapter breaks, unless I’m too exhausted, then
I just put a bookmark in and go to sleep.
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away,
sell it, or give it away? Keep it. I’m really iffy when it comes to my books. I
hardly ever lend them to people.
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by
friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.) I browse the shelves at bookstores until
I find something that seems interesting.
Do prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part
of a series? I like series, but it’s irritating to have to wait for the next
book to come out.
So You Want to be a Writer questions…
A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog
entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write? I have two blogs which I update
often – one is private and the other one is just about my writing and reading
experiences. Right now, I’m working on a TV script for Script Frenzy, as well as
part three of my novella series The Ant Files.
Did you always know that you wanted to write? I suppose… deep
down inside? I only realized it when I was fourteen though.
Favorite Questions…
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Casper's favorite movie! |
What’s your favorite food? Bread. Anything goes with
Favorite color? Pink!
Favorite song? Anything that doesn’t make me cry?
Favorite movie? Uh, Mean Girls :D (and Ocean’s Eleven)
Favorite TV show? Friends, How I Met Your Mother, My Wife and
Kids, Gossip Girl, 90210, Modern Family (I can’t choose one)
Random Questions…
If you developed a superpower what would it be and why?
Telekinesis. I could extract revenge on lots of people hehehehe
What did you want to be when you were little? An artist. Then
a teacher. And then an artist again.
What is the answer to life? Do what makes you happy.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Bookmark Break Challenge (3 Month Update)
I'm realizing that I have a real problem with writing a whole post and then accidentally deleting it! So, this is the next best thing...That post rewritten and dramatically reduced. So, I began with adding a comment about how much you guys have accomplished in the month of March alone! Amazing, especially Ruthie who is up 28 books!!! WOW! I, myself, am only up 5 books. :) But you're all awesome!
Then, I went on to tell everyone to move on to the competitor's list and somehow worked in the famous quote from The Hunger Games, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"
Then, I had this pic...
Here's the competitor's list thus far...Also, those of you with notes by your names, check them out and get back to me.
Competitor's List:
Now, a quick look at my list thus far...I'm doing lots of rereading for some reason.
My Book List:
And, a quick look at what I'm reading right now...Again, lots of rereading. I may have to make a discussion topic on this. Hmmm...
Currently Reading:
Here's what I can't wait to read!
On Deck:
Onto the next month!
Then, I went on to tell everyone to move on to the competitor's list and somehow worked in the famous quote from The Hunger Games, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"
Then, I had this pic...
Here's the competitor's list thus far...Also, those of you with notes by your names, check them out and get back to me.
Competitor's List:
- Ruthie (55 Books)
- Casper (47 Books) *Private Blog
- Susan (43 Books)
- PoeKitten (26 Books)
- Natalie (19 Books)
- Eden Mabee (18 Books)
- Corina (18 Books)
- Shah (17 Books)
- Sierra (17 Books)
- Julie (16 Books)
- SimplyMe (15 Books)
- AubrieAnne (14 Books)
- Lynette (14 Books)
- Kyria (13 Books)
- Kea (10 Books)
- Ib (8 Books)
- Cheney (7 Books)
- Tegan (5 Books)
- Shan (4 Books)
- Lesley (3 Book)
- Mrs. Facehead (1 Book)
- The Creative Muslimah (1 Book)
- Patrick---(Just to let you know, Note 2 in my Daily Updates I am not applying to you since I have been in contact with you during the competition. Although, I would love to see your book list so let me know when it is up and running!)
- Glenda---Let me know when your list is up! Thank you. (Also, see Note 2 in the Daily Updates at the top of my blog.)
- Carrie Ann---I have no link to find you at and your profile is private so I can't get a hold of you. If you see this please leave a link to your blog and or your book list in the comments and I will get you set up. Or you can email me at WhosYourEditor@aol.com if you wish to remain private. Thank you. (Also, see Note 2 in the Daily Updates at the top of my blog.)
Now, a quick look at my list thus far...I'm doing lots of rereading for some reason.
My Book List:
- Haiku for the Single Girl (Poetry/Comedy)
- The Web of Titan (YA/Sci-Fi/Space/Post-Apocalyptic)
- The Hunger Games (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read
- One for the Money (Fiction/Comedy)
- Catching Fire (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read
- Outside In (YA/Dystopian)
- Uglies (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read
- Touch of Power (Fantasy)
- The Secret Garden (Classical Literature) *Kindle
- Incarceron (YA/Futuristic Fantasy)
- Prisoner of Time (YA/Romance)
- Two for the Dough (Fiction/Comedy)
- True Belonging (Non-Fiction/Psychology)
- City of Ashes (YA/Modern Fantasy)
And, a quick look at what I'm reading right now...Again, lots of rereading. I may have to make a discussion topic on this. Hmmm...
Currently Reading:
- Mockingjay (YA/Dystopian) *2nd Read *Page 74
- Game of Thrones (Fantasy) *2nd Read *Page 513
- Anna Karenina (Classical Literature) *2nd Read *Page 84
- Outlander (Literature/Historical Fantasy) *2nd Read *Page 136
Here's what I can't wait to read!
On Deck:
- The Four Agreements (Non-Fiction/Psychology)
- Red Riding Hood (YA/Fantasy)
- Three to get Deadly (Fiction/Comedy)
Onto the next month!
Monday, March 26, 2012
"The Hunger Games" Movie Review!

With that said, onto the movie, (Note: very minor spoilers about what is not in the movie) I'm mostly on the side of the fence of really enjoying it. I miss very small things that only a reader would be endeared to, like Katniss yelling at Peeta for being too noisy while they are hunting during the games, or Haymitch being much slobbier at the beginning and falling off the stage at the reaping. But, the movie is already almost 2 1/2 hours long and I can't think of anything I would have wanted them to remove to find more room for other stuff.
Also, I went with a friend that had not read the books first and she said that she got it, she wasn't too confused, but she could not depend on the usual devices, such as dialog or narration to tell her what was happening, instead she had to look to the actors movements, glances, comments, etc to fill her in.
On that note, I thought the young cast of this movie was wildly talented!!! Especially Jennifer Lawrence! Way to really bring a character to life. If some other young actors or actresses had even half the talent of Lawrence or her costars, we all might enjoy some of these books-to-movies concepts a lot more. :)
It's only been a day since I saw it, and the excitement has yet to wear off. In fact, I may be entering a withdrawal period here in a few days. I'm more than certain I will see this movie again before it leaves theaters and it is on my "To Buy" list, and not just any old "To Buy" list, but the one with the disclaimer that reads, Must be purchased on or before the official release date!
Here is the trailer for anyone else that may be expecting side effects like shaking, chills, giggles, random rants, screaming, sudden excitement, etc after seeing the movie...
Now, my absolute favorite part!
You MUST discuss this with me. I fear it is the only thing to hold off the withdrawal.
Let me know what your thoughts are on the books or movie.
Things you liked, disliked, wish you saw more off, what you could have lived without, etc.
Just talked to me about it!
I look forward to this!
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