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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ruthie: One of our Bookmark Break Challenge 2011 WINNERS!

Ruthie (170 Books)Ruthie from Live, Love, Laugh, Write!

I really wanted everyone to be able to get to know some of the fabulous people that have been participating in my Bookmark Break Challenges for the last year. So, as a reward for the winners, I decided to feature each of them on my blog. I sent each a list of both Challenge Questions and Random Questions. (NOTE: If you are a BMBC '11 Winner and you have not recieve the questionaire, please email me at redmatinee7007@aol.com and give me your email address. I was missing a few and plus my demon mailer shot some questionnaires back to me.)

Anyway, Ruthie started with the 2011 challenge and read a total of 170 books!!! Here's what she had to say!

Challenge Questions:

1.      Why did you join the Bookmark Break Challenge in 2011?
I love to read it and dovetailed well with my goal last year to find out how many books I actually do read in year.
2.      Did you set a goal for yourself in this challenge?
Just to stay consistent with recording the books I was reading.
3.      Do you have a goal for this challenge in 2012?
I would love to read 180 books this year. So about 15 books a month.
4.      How did you learn to read so fast!?
I have a lot of health problems so I’ve been reading since I was pretty young, and I’ve had lots of time to spend on it!
5.      What was the kind of thing you were reading the most? (Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, a certain genre, books for school?)
Fantasy and Dark Fantasy
6.      How did your love for books begin?
My Mom loves books and I’ll never forget her reading the Narnia books to us as kids!
7.      What was your favorite book you read this year and why?
I’ve read so many I don’t think I could pick just one! There were a lot of greats. “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline, anything but Patricia Briggs, Tamora Pierce, Terry Pratchett, Robin McKinley, and Mercedes Lackey. I think those were the authors who I read the most books by.
8.      What was your least favorite book you read this year and why?
I’m not going to give the names, but there were a couple of modern fantasy’s that really disappointed me because they were just formulaic and poorly written.
9.      Any books you are looking forward to in 2012?
Oh there’s a whole host of them! I have a to-read list that’s about 40 books long right now…
10.   Any advice for those entering the challenge in 2012?
If you like a book see what else that author has written.

Random Questions:
1.      What do you love the most about yourself?
I have a bit of a zany sense of humor.
2.      What’s the most random thing that popped into your head today?
“Have I had any random thoughts today? Ooo – gummy bears!” Um yeah, that’s how my mind works.
3.      What’s your blog and what’s it about?
www.ruthiestickney.blogspot.com “Live, Love, Laugh, Write.” My blog is all about my adventures in writing. I share updates about my progress working on the two books I’m writing, provide weekly writing prompts, give book reviews, and share bits and pieces of my written works.
4.      Tell me and my readers 2 truths and 1 lie and we’ll try to guess the lie.
  • My best friend has broken both of her hands, the first while at a wedding.
  • One time, after a bad car accident, the ambulance driver threatened to go through the drive through where I worked so my boss would know I couldn’t come in to work. 
  • I’m such a clutz I own ankle, knee, and wrist braces and generally get use out of all them each year.
5.      Tell me and my readers something you hold true to your heart, some wisdom.
Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Sure, half the time they’ll treat like crap in response, but that’s not what matters, what matters is that you did your part and you can sleep at night.

Thank you, Ruthie! For the great answers and for rocking the 2011 challenge.

Ruthie will also be participating in 2012!

REMEMBER!!! Absolutley anyone and everyone can join in on the Bookmark Break Challenge 2012. If you are intested, comment below or check out the official BMBC '12 page here.


  1. Yey - Go Ruthie! I can safely say I will NEVER out-read you! :) X

  2. I'm curious to see what people will think the lie is... What do you think Aubrie?

  3. Ruthie...I am thinking that the lie was the ambulence driver who threatened to take you through the drive-thru where you work.

    Anyone else have an idea on which might be the lie in Ruthie's 2 truths and a lie?

  4. I love the ambulance driver story - I HOPE that one's not the lie. Not that I wish misfortune on Ruthie or her best friend, of course ... but that one made me chuckle :)

  5. Hehehe - I'm not going to tell yet! I am going to share this post with my blog readers today - so hopefully you'll get a few more guesses :P Aubrie - if I forget to come back and tell you let me know k?

  6. GoodReads is my way of keeping up with what I'm reading! I love that site :)

  7. Trisha...I just recently joined myself. If you are interested in books, you should join my reading challenge this year! You can check everything out here!

  8. Ok - the answer is... Everything is true except my best friend has broken both her feet not her hands :)

  9. Ruthie....Oh boy! That would hurt!!!


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