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As many of you can see, I've been a pretty terrible blogger lately! What can I say...Life.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Let's Catch Up!

Hey there fellow bloggers and bloggettes!  What's been going on with all of you? I'll give you the quick lowdown on me! I know I've been gone quite a bit.

The beginning of the year was a bit rough. Christmas was long and I got the flu. My family experienced some personal tragedy,. but things are better now, everyone is doing really well. I graduated from college (TWICE!!!) So, I now have my Bachelor's degree in English/Creative writing with two minors in art and history. I also picked up an Associate's in general studies (who knew?) when I was finishing up some final classes at my community college. I started looking for a new job, didn't find one, went back to my old waitressing job, got bored and stressed at the same time (not a good combo). And now, I am volunteering at my local chamber of commerce (they let me write and edit anything and everything! (Yipee!)) and I just got an internship with TAHRA, a local human resource association (they too allow me to edit and write whatever I want! (Double Yipee!))

I've been reading a lot! I started Maria V. Snyder's (one of my favorite authors) second trilogy! The books are "Storm Glass," "Sea Glass," and "Spy Glass." I am loving them and recommend them to everyone. (However, you should read the first trilogy "Poison Study," "Magic Study," and "Fire Study" first. I also read her first young adult book, "Inside Out," and am waiting for "Outside In" to come in the mail. I've also tried reading more of "The Vampire Diaries" even though the show is still way better than the books (Go figure!) I also started the Immortal Instruments trilogy. That was pretty good. And I am looking forward to starting "Incarceron" which is being turned into a movie, starring Taylor Lautner (Did I ever mention that my aunt is dating his uncle?!?!?)

Sadly, I have done next to nothing with my writing :(. I've got plans though. lol.)

Anyway, that's me catching up! What have you been doing?


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well! I'm sure the perfect long-term job for you will eventually show up, but until then, at least you get to spend your time writing and editing!

  2. I graduated in June with a Bachelor's in English: Writing Specialization and have been searching for a job ever since. Lots of people hiring, but no one seems to want a recent college grad :(

  3. Yay! I wish, I could get degrees like that . Lol, hopefully. And I'll try reading these books. I really need to start reading. And wow,awesome, do you get to see a lot of Taylor Lautner? Really glad you're back Aubrie! :)

  4. INCARCERON's being turned into a movie? I hadn't heard that news. Very cool. I love that book. I'll be interested to hear what you think of it.

  5. I've been good! Finished my Master's in English and am working on a Master's in pscyhology. Been writing mostly scholarship and academic stuff but will soon get back to creative writing. :)


  6. Sounds like you've been busy with LIFE! I am working and running and reading, as always. Current read it Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest! Glad to see you're back!

  7. Natalie...Thank you. That's exactly the attitude I have been adopting.

    Sarah...Yes, that's how it has been going for me. Everyone wants you to have experience. That's what my focus has been for the last couple months. Just beef up the resume as much as possible in this time.

    Dawn...Just keep pushing for those degrees and you will get them. Paying for it is really the only obstacle and that can be worked with as well. Yes, read those books! They are awesome. No, I have yet to meet him. My aunt has a few times now though. He's one busy dude.

    Susan...Glad to hear there is another fan out there. So far, I had only heard about it from one of my really good friends. I trust her taste, I just haven't gotten to see for myself. I'll let you know when I finish it.

    d'Artagnan...Awesome! I went back and forth with whether or not I should go for my masters. I ended up deciding to try for a job first and if that really does not work out, I can always go back to school. Right now, it doesn't seem as though have a masters would help. I think I would be in the same place. Nevertheless, I love school and I do see myself going back at some point.

    Kyria...Yes, LIFE does seems to just happen, doesn't it? lol. My old roommate read all those books and loved them. She has been begging me to read them, but we will see. There is so much on my bookshelf right now. I think one of my next posts will have a list of all the books on my book shelf, at least all the ones I have yet to read. I think that would be fun. You guys can see what kind of a hoarder I am when it comes to books (oh boy!)

    Everyone...Thanks for catching up with me. This has been so much fun! Keep it coming!

  8. Nice to hear from you, Aubrie. I'm still at CMU. Still running the FC. Still drudging everyday.

    I've discovered that I may have what's called "avoidant personality disorder." Lucky me.

    Glad to see that you're well.

  9. So glad to hear from you again, Aubrie. Wow, way to go on getting your Bachelor's and Associate's. A lot has been happening for you and for NOBH. I hope you will be able to write some more here. Good luck with the internship. Hopefully it will turn into something more permanent. At least your able to write.

  10. Aubrie - brilliant to have you back in the fold. Congrats on your educational accomplishments! You RULE!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi. I hear you - I can't fit in posting every day either now. But I pre-schedule a lot which has been a saving grace these past few weeks with my computer playing up. At least I didn't let the hoppers down. ;D

    Are you going to participate in the nanowrimo this November? I've never done it before but hope it will drag me into writing WITHOUT obsessing on the edit. Its stifled me SO MUCH in the first novel - I'm planning on writing the whole of the second in the series in one month (ugly first draft at least). Could be a challenge for you too? http://www.nanowrimo.org/

    Re the reading challenge - I know funny how we maintained the same amount all the way through (so far). I will be picking it up a little though I believe, as I participate in book tours now too. Though, PLEASE SAVE THE FONT ON YOUR PDF's LARGER FOR TRANSFER TO KINDLES!!!! The amount I have but cannot do read -! Waste.

    And I'm so sorry for your cousin and its effect emotionally on you. Death is unfortunately a lesson age teaches us all eventually. And its effect can bring out a very different side to our personalities. But you will learn to deal with feelings, and so they will lesson their grip on your emotions with time. That is not to say you will return to 'normal' or be ever who your were before. You will be Aubrie who has felt pain and dealt with the aftermath. A stronger woman.

    Great to have you back !! ;D

    Shah. X

  11. Forgot - http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/5003365-shah-wharton?shelf=read&utm_medium=api&utm_source=grid_widget

    For the reading challenge ;D

  12. Hi Aubrie Anne,
    I haven't been blogging much either this year. I haven't been really recording how many books I've read for the Book Mark Break Challenge - I have read a lot this year. Right now I'm going to record how many books Moana and I have read throughout the year.

    Wishing you the best xx

  13. Congratulations on graduating not 1x.. but 2x!! You're amazing, I hope you know that. Isn't it crazy when you do a recap on the year and see how far you've come? I'm sure at the beginning when you were sick and had family tragedy there were moments you must have felt things would never start looking up.
    So happy to hear from you!! :)



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