Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Horror of Resume Building!

Please tell me that we all share the same feelings when it comes to resume building. It isn't fun or easy or interesting in any way!
So, I think I mentioned that I am applying for a job at a special effects studio. I'm very excited, but to even get my foot in the door with the contact, I need to have a resume in hand. Not so easy. I've tried making resumes before, but have never had to use one before. There are so many thousands of templates out there that it is hard to choose which one to use. I have lots and lots of art experience and even accomplishments in fine art and graphic design. I haven't been on any art software in in over a year and haven't taken a class on it in over three years!!! YIKES! I'm a dang English major! And my jobs, although consistent, were at a farm market and restaurant!

Nevertheless, I whipped something off and sent it to the career services at my college. They sent me a bunch of links to look at stuff and find more templates and whatever (some stuff looks helpful), but they didn't write a single note on my actual resume! What's a girl to do???

I guess I'm gonna try again, :( but I don't like it!


  1. I would be so happy if I never had to create a resume again. I hate them! I feel your pain.

    Gabrielle Bisset

  2. I would take my resume draft to the career services office and ask for some advice in person. As long as you're enrolled and paying tuition, I'd say take advantage of all the services on campus. *sigh* Sometimes I really miss all the resources that come with college...take advantage of them while they last!

  3. Take the next step and bring your resume into the career services office. That might get them to look at it with you and add comments and feedback. I'm planning on doing that next quarter when I have time, as well as talk to them about job hunting and such.

    I went to a resume and cover letter workshop a little over a year ago and got some great information. Resumes and cover letters are a bit easier now. So keep a lookout for workshops like that at your college.

  4. I hate writing resumes too, and I especially hate waiting to hear whether you got a job or not. I'm currently waiting to hear about some summer jobs I've applied to and it is taking forever.

  5. Aubrie - its all agro lately hey lady. I think the advise to get a careers services on it is good. Other than that, use your fabulous talent for writing to PERSUADE them, along with your art experience and eagerness to learn - there really is only so much a resume can do. People can get bogged down in the detail and the answer lies right in front of you. Shah .X

  6. I just realized that's an image of Clover.

  7. Hang in there! It's resume writing time for my hubby too...which means me doing it. :P

    I put up my books read list - and they all count!

  8. Gabrielle...Good. Me too and I haven't even completed one! I got some good information from the career services office so I'm crossing my fingers.

    Jansen...Yes, that advantage is very helpful.

    Sarah...I would totally jump at a workshop opportunity.

    a woman's right to shoes...That will be the next thing, the waiting for the call. I'm excited for that part though, even if it doesn't work out, it will be a good experience.

    Shah...Thanks for the boost. I love it.

    Matt...Yep, he was the first monster I could find on google images. lol.

    Rose...Wanna do mine too!?!?! Just kidding, but it's awesome you are there to help your husband. :)


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