Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Wonder: Kim Marie

General Questions…

Name:  Kim, Kimberly, Kimmy, Kimmerz, Mom, babe

Blog Penname:  Kimberly Marie

A sentence or two about yourself:  I am a mom of 3 beautiful daughters and a wife of 10 years.  I love to blog and I love to write. 

A sentence or two on what your blog is about:  The first blog, This Is Me…or something like that, is everything about me, my life, my feelings and my thoughts.  My other blog, Bread ~N~ Butter, is about food!

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why?  I don’t really have a “favorite book” per say, but I do love The Regulators.

Other favorites?  I also enjoy pretty much any type of poetry book.  I love Edgar Allan Poe.

What’s your favorite genre to read?  I enjoy mysteries and fantasy books.  Favorite Authors are Stephen King and Terry Goodkind.

Where do you like to read?  I like to read in the quiet of my bedroom or outside basking in the sun!

Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?  Paper books definitely!  I’m old fashion like that…

Do you prefer to buy or borrow books?  I will take books any way I can get them…lol.

Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks?  I do.  Mostly from being too tired.

When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away?  I keep them or borrow them out as I like to revisit them and read them a second time.

What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.)  Honestly, it’s all about the back of the book.

Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series?  Either.

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write?  Poetry, I write for an e-zine for and I write blog entries.

Did you always know that you wanted to write?  I have been writing for over 24 years since before I was a freshman in High School

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food?  Pasta.  Torellini in Vodka Cream sause

Favorite color?  Purple

Favorite song?  Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

Favorite movie?  Much ado About Nothing

Favorite TV show?  Criminal Minds and Big Bang Theory

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why?  That is a tough question.  I would say to take away stress and make it float into space.  I know that’s stupid but I hate stress!

What did you want to be when you were little?  A Teacher.

What is the answer to life?  Haven’t found it yet...but I’m having fun finding it!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend Wonder: Kyria

General Questions…

Name: Kyria Wilson

Blog Penname: Travel Spot

A sentence or two about yourself: I love to travel, to take photos and to read. I try to be active and to have fun. I have opinions and problems just like everyone else. Of course I write about all of it.

Link to blog:

A sentence or two on what your blog is about: My blog started as a way for me to remember the things I had done and to keep my family and friends informed of my whereabouts. It morphed into something that is mostly travel and a little bit of everything else.

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why? A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It’s a girl who loves to read and has to struggle through life in New York. What could be better?

Other favorites? Time Travelers Wife, Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Gumbo Tales

What’s your favorite genre to read? Mystery, Historical Fiction, General Fiction

Where do you like to read? I usually read in bed, but the beach would be my preference!

Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? I still love a good paper book.

Do you prefer to buy or borrow books? I tend to buy them from Goodwill or borrow them from the library. Sometimes I will splurge at Barnes and Nobel if I really, really want a specific book.

Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks? When I am tired.

When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away? Keep it. I am a tiny bit of a book hoarder.

What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.) Suggestions, reviews and funny enough, sometimes I just let one catch my eye (marketing is a big influence).

Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series? Either way.

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write? I write whatever pops into my head. I usually write it as a word document. Sometimes it makes it on the blog; sometimes it just remains for my memories. So I guess basically what I write is “journal entries”. They are my memories. I write to keep them. I have also written some poetry but this is not my MO.

Did you always know that you wanted to write? Oh yes. I wrote a poem about my cat when I was maybe 6 or 7. I entered it in a contest and got 1st place. I was so proud. I have always written stories, journals, poems and songs. I love to write.

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food? Any ethnic food. Really. Mexican, Indian, Lebanese…the list goes on forever. I love trying new and exciting foods.

Favorite color? It was always blue, but since I started doing photography I have discovered red.

Favorite song? That’s a hard one. Each and every song has a memory attached to it. I love them all.

Favorite movie? Eternal Sunshine, Crash, Spaceballs, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Fight Club…I can’t choose one. Sorry.

Favorite TV show? I don’t really watch TV.

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why? I would like to be able to have gills so I could swim really deep under the water.

What did you want to be when you were little? A veterinarian.

What is the answer to life? Be happy in your own skin.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Poll #6 Results: What is Your Creative Outlet?

I know these results are long overdue, but I really appreciate everyone hanging in there. Let’s get straight to the results then.

In first, not surprising, with 33% is writing! Well, I certainly hope that is everyone’s creative outlet, especially since we are all bloggers and life would be just miserable if we did all this blogging and never used it has a creative outlet, because it IS creative!

Next, was cooking and other, with 15%. Now, I don’t consider myself a cook, in fact, cooking can be stressful for me at times, but it makes me very happy to hear that others find it not only enjoyable, but creative. Thank the lord for you guys. Without you people like me would starve! Now, I am curious what other creative outlets people have. Please let me know! Someone can always use new creative outlets! They are too important in our lives! Everyone needs one!

In third, with 10% is designing. I am a designer! I created my own jewelry line and it has been flourishing! I signed up to sell it in three local festivals so far and am even campaigning to get it in a few local stores! Very exciting stuff! What do you guys design though?

Two outlets got 6%. They were drawing/painting, one of my personal favorites, and singing! I LOVE to draw or paint and have worked with several different mediums as many of you may know. There’s absolutely NOTHING more soothing than drawing for me. I also enjoy singing, but only in the shower or in the car! I did a few musicals in high school and had more than a couple solos, but they were hard! I commend those people out there who know their talents and share them. I am even watching American Idol right now!

In fifth, with 5% is gardening. My dad loves to garden and he has the best green thumb I have ever seen. I honestly did not inherit such a talent. In fact, many green things die if I even breathe on it. :( I think I am getting better though. Lol. I took a biology course and we grew plants from stem cuttings. That was eight months ago and my plants are still making it. They like to wilt and drop leaves, picky little buggers!, but a little water perks them up. BUT, I can’t water them too much or else they will start turning yellow and dropping leaves again!!! They’re really like small children more than plants. Anyway, I commend those of you that understand plants.

With 3%, is acting and planning! More power to you acting people! I think acting is so much fun, even if you’re not very good at it. It’s a great way to get comfortable with yourself, your voice, and your body! For those of you that plan, you’re a lot like me. I have to have things planned more of the time. I always though event planning would be fun too, but I know that some of the people you deal with are super freaks so it could get frustrating.

With 2 %, we have both decorating and dancing. I like to decorate. I rearrange my room very often and even considered becoming an interior designer for a while. I think it’s a great way to relax and clear your mind and your space! Dancing is something that I always wished I could do. I did take ballet for a while when I was ten or twelve and it was a lot of fun. I gained tons of flexibility that I have maintained. I also met lots of other young women who became good friends throughout school. Now, I watch shows like Dancing With The Stars and So You Think You Can Dance with so much envy! I am turning green!

Finally, with 0%, is woodworking. I didn’t know if anyone on here was doing any of this. I just knew it’s been a good creative outlet for my dad, some of my cousins, and two of my grandpas!

Well, that’s it! Thanks for sharing!

NOTE: There is a new poll up at the bottom of this page! Don't forget to go and vote!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So, I have decided that I am on Spring Break....right....right....NOWISH!!! Teachnically, it doesn't start until Friday or so, but my Thursday class has been cancelled and we are supposed to get tons of snow on Wednesday and I am not driving through that crap for my Wednesday classes. So, Spring Break begins today for me! YEAH!
I am curious as to what everyone is doing or (for you early birds) has already done for Spring Break. Fill me in!

I am heading to Atlanta, Georgia, the land of no-snow and lots-of-sun! My aunt, uncle, and cousins live down there and they are the best of hosts. We get our own rooms in their fabulous house! They plan out the days with fun activities, such as, shopping, going to the aquarium, dinner shows, getting our hair done. It's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait to tell you guys more.

But for now, let me know your plans!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Wonder: The Creative Muslimah

General Questions…

Name: Aysha F.

Blog Penname: The Creative Muslimah

A sentence or two about yourself: A multi-tasking crafter, who loves to start several creative projects at once :)

Link to blog:

A sentence or two on what your blog is about:
I blog about lots of things, though primarily creative projects, how-to’s, tutorials, inspiration and what not. :)

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why?
The Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, for sure. But besides that, oooh. That’s a tough question. It’d have to be “The Kite Runner” by Khalid Hosseini, as it’s just an amazing piece of work. I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t been moved by this book, and by the two innocent (or maybe not so much) characters. It’s so easy to relate to, especially if you are from the Middle East or Asia, as I am, so that just makes it all the better.

Other favorites?
I have several, but amongst those, a few prominent ones are “Nought’s and Crosses” by Malorie Blackman, “Does my head look big in this?” by Randa Abdel-Fattah, “Truth or dare” by Celia Rees, “Roll of thunder, Hear my cry” by Mildred D. Taylor, and “Snøvsen”-series by Benny Andersen, which is a Danish children’s classic.
What’s your favorite genre to read?
Fiction and Islamic books.

Where do you like to read?
At the library, in my bedroom, or in the bathroom (Yes. The bathroom). So long as it’s cozy and quiet, its fine by me.

Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Paper books for sure. You don’t feel the same joy when reading an ebook as you do when you read a paper book.

Do you prefer to buy or borrow books?
I like to buy books, but can’t really afford it what with the high taxes here in Denmark. So I usually borrow books.
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks?
Chapter breaks, for sure. Unless I’m inCREDIBLY  tired, then I’ll switch off the light and go to sleep.

When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away?
If it’s my own, I’ll keep it with the rest of my collection. If it’s the library’s, obviously I’ll return it. :)

What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.)
Usually they are suggested by a friend, though (as bad as it may sound) I like a book with a catchy cover and interesting blurb. :D
Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series?
I like reading both, so that’s not really a problem. I just don’t wish the series to be too long.

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write?
I’ve been writing since I remember. When I was younger, I’d write little comics and children’s books where the main characters were talking animals. :) Nowadays I usually write novels, and I’ve recently picked up blogging. I write because it helps me remember what I want to say, and because if I have an idea, I want to get it down on paper to be able to see what it is I’m actually thinking of. In other words, to get my feelings out (cliché, I know).

Did you always know that you wanted to write?
Yes, as I mentioned before, I’ve been writing since forever. I’ve always wanted to become an author (on the side of becoming a doctor, at least). Unfortunately, I don’t always get the time to write though.

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food?
Homemade lasagna, tacos and chocolate. :D

Favorite color?
Green and blue.
Favorite song?
I don’t listen to music any longer.

Favorite movie?
The Pursuit of Happyness

Favorite TV show?
Nigella Lawson’s cooking show (the dessert bit), and House M.D.

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why?
Flying (so that I could travel anywhere I wanted, anytime I wanted to), time-travelling (to really experience history), or mind-reading (to know what the other person is thinking at crucial moments).

What did you want to be when you were little?
I’ve wanted to be a lot of things; a doctor, an archeologist, an author, a pastry chef, a cook, a glass blower and much more.

What is the answer to life?
Patience and thankfulness.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend Wonder: Lynda

General Questions…

Name:  Lynda Schultz           
Blog Penname:  Lynda Schultz
A sentence or two about yourself:  I am a Christian homeschooling stay-at-home mom of one and caretaker of my disabled mother. 
Link to blog:
A sentence or two on what your blog is about:  I enjoy sharing my experiences of homeschooling and caretaking.  I have enjoyed doing a few reviews and giveaways, but mostly I love to write about my faith and walk with Christ.

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why?  My favorite book is the Bible.  There is adventure, romance, poetry, and instruction in all those wonderful pages.
Other favorites?
What’s your favorite genre to read?  Anything and everything written by Charles Swindoll.
Where do you like to read?  In my over-stuffed, comfy recliner.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?  You can’t beat the smell and feel of  paper books.
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books?  I have always agreed that you can never own enough books.
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks?  I like to get to the chapter breaks, but then I get to them and have to keep reading until I fall asleep.
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away?  My book hoarding tendencies are too strong.  I keep every one of them.
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.)   Browsing the shelves.  I like to read a few pages to decide if I want to read something.
Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series?  I like either.  Although, I have started a few series and have had to wait for the author to finish the next one.  That is very frustrating for me.

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)?  I have not really found what is most comfortable for me yet.  I know what I like to write, but I want it to come from deeper inside, express more emotion and feeling.  I have written some poetry and a lot of blog entries, but I have a desire to take the reader outside their comfort zone.
Why do you write?  I have always written.  Whether it is good or not I just keep writing.  I love the keys on the keyboard.  Putting words together is such a beautiful thing to me.
Did you always know that you wanted to write?  Yes!  My very first easy reader I copied word for word in a notebook wishing I had put those words together.  I was mesmerized by the words and emotions of the story.  I can’t remember the book, but I knew then that is what I wanted to do.

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food?  I am a steak and potatoes gal.  Preferably prime rib, but any nice cut of beef will do. 
Favorite color?  Blue, baby blue or denim blue
Favorite song?  Music Box Dancer
Favorite movie?  August Rush
Favorite TV show?  I Love Lucy

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why?   The healing touch.  I hate to see anyone in pain.  Whether it be illness, injury, disease, or heart ache I feel the pain with the other person.
What did you want to be when you were little?  I wanted to be an English teacher.
What is the answer to life?  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend Wonder: The Adventurer

General Questions…

Name: Anna-Marie
Blog Penname: The Adventurer
A sentence or two about yourself: Homeschooling Mom of 2 children. Closeted History nerd. :)
Link to blog:
A sentence or two on what your blog is about: Our travels around England and Europe and homeschooling activities.

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why? Saxon Chronicles – Tells the History of England and the famous King Alfred
Other favorites? Genghis: Birth of an Empire series
Pillars of the Earth
What’s your favorite genre to read? Historical fiction and mysteries. But if someone recommends a good book I will read it. 
Where do you like to read? In bed at the end of the day or sitting on the sofa with the music on low.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Actually I am learning to read more ebooks now that I got my Kindle last year. But I still do read the occasional paperback book
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books? I usually buy but almost always second hand. 
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks? Chapter breaks
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away? If I really like it I keep it or give it to someone else to read. I never throw books away. That is criminal. 
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.) All of the above. You never know when a good book will come your way.
Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series? No preference really. I read all types.

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write? Most of the writing I do is on my blog now. When I was younger I wrote poetry and songs. I was the editor of the literary magazine in HS. Don’t have much time for my creative side these days with 2 children running around.
Did you always know that you wanted to write? I have always dreamed of writing a book, maybe one day

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food? Thai and Mexican
Favorite color? Green
Favorite song? This one changes all the time.
Favorite movie? I haven’t been to a movie in a long time.
Favorite TV show? I was a big fan of ER and now I like Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV.

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why? To make people happy!  There is too much unhappiness in the world.
What did you want to be when you were little? A singer :)
What is the answer to life? I wish I had the answer to this one.  I guess for me it is being happy surrounded by my great kids and husband traveling and learning.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weekend Wonder: Natalie

General Questions…

Name: Natalie Vereen-Davis
Blog Penname: I keep it simple, and just use my first name.
A sentence or two about yourself: I’m a teacher, dreamer, avid reader, wife, daughter, sister and friend. Rarely do you see me without a big smile on my face—life makes me happy.
Link to blog:
A sentence or two on what your blog is about: My blog is a snapshot of whatever happens to cross my mind when I sit down to post. It’s a cookbook, personal journal, book review collection, somewhere to showcase my crafts, and a place to share photos.

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why? Hardest question EVER! It’s probably a tie between Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife and Ian McEwan’s Atonement. TTF is what love should be, and Atonement makes you want to be a better person.
Other favorites? Other honorable mentions: Iain Banks’ The Wasp Factory, the Harry Potter series, Patrick McGrath’s Spider, Ronlyn Dominque’s The Mercy of Thin Air, Peter Ackroyd’s Hawksmoor
What’s your favorite genre to read? I am more than mildly obsessed with contemporary British literature (Peter Ackroyd, Martin Amis, Ian McEwan, Sarah Waters, Salman Rushdie, Kazuo Ishiguro, etc.). I also love books that rely heavily on the Gothic tradition (everything from Harry Potter to London: A Biography). I’m sometimes a book snob, and I avoid romantic novels (you know, like the paperback kind at Wal-mart) and poorly written stuff like Twilight like the plague. Four years as an English major and another two in an English masters program will get you there.
Where do you like to read? Anywhere I can! In my bed, all covered with blankets; at the kitchen table with a cup of English Breakfast tea; on the floor of my bathroom after my husband goes to sleep so I don’t wake him; at my desk in between teaching classes.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? I have a Nook, which I love for convenience’s sake, but nothing will replace the feel of a book in my hands.
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books? Buy. I tend to hold a book in one hand, and a pen in the other; I’ve found that my friends don’t like getting books back with my notes in the margin!
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks? Generally when I hit a chapter break. I like a little order to my reading.
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away? Keep it. I have thousands and thousands of books that are a PAIN to move (and I have been living a nomadic lifestyle for the last eight years), but I love looking at all of them when they are put up on their shelves. It’s like coming home.
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.) The title and the book jacket. So much for not judging a book by its cover. :)
Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series? Either. I’m open to pretty much anything when it comes to reading.

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write? These days, mostly blog posts and an unhealthy amount of notes on my students’ English papers. During school, I would churn out 100+ pages of critical analysis a semester, but that’s slowed down significantly since I graduated last year. I’ve never been too much of a creative writer, but maybe my muse will come eventually. If I did write creatively, I would definitely be drawn to the medium of the novel rather than poetry or short stories.
Did you always know that you wanted to write? Always. I was the kid who adored reading and writing back before most of my kindergarten peers could write their names.

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food? Sushi or Thai food!
Favorite color? Caribbean blue or purple.
Favorite song? I’m better at artists—Daft Punk, MSTRKRFT, Madonna, the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Mackintosh Braun. I’m an old soul who loves nothing better than to listen to a record on my vintage record player.
Favorite movie? “Atonement,” anything by Pixar (I will freely admit that I BAWLED during “Toy Story 3”), “Say Anything,” “An Education.”
Favorite TV show? Say Yes to the Dress, CSI:, Criminal Minds, House Hunters

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why? To fly wherever I wanted. Oh, the traveling I could do then! (and on the cheap!!)
What did you want to be when you were little? It changed all the time—when I was three, I wanted to be a firefighter. When I was 7, I was going to be an archeologist. When I was 13, I thought I would be a neurosurgeon (until I took AP Bio in high school, and that went down the drain). At 16, I decided I would be a lawyer. I actually did go to law school before I realized I really, really loved English and then went back to English grad school.
What is the answer to life? Be happy. Laugh often. Do the things that make you smile. Don’t have regrets.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Horror of Resume Building!

Please tell me that we all share the same feelings when it comes to resume building. It isn't fun or easy or interesting in any way!
So, I think I mentioned that I am applying for a job at a special effects studio. I'm very excited, but to even get my foot in the door with the contact, I need to have a resume in hand. Not so easy. I've tried making resumes before, but have never had to use one before. There are so many thousands of templates out there that it is hard to choose which one to use. I have lots and lots of art experience and even accomplishments in fine art and graphic design. I haven't been on any art software in in over a year and haven't taken a class on it in over three years!!! YIKES! I'm a dang English major! And my jobs, although consistent, were at a farm market and restaurant!

Nevertheless, I whipped something off and sent it to the career services at my college. They sent me a bunch of links to look at stuff and find more templates and whatever (some stuff looks helpful), but they didn't write a single note on my actual resume! What's a girl to do???

I guess I'm gonna try again, :( but I don't like it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekend Wonder: Poekitten

General Questions…

Name: Poekitten
Penname:  Poekitten :)
A sentence or two about yourself:  I’m a Milspouse that was born & bred in New England and has moved to the Pacific Northwest.
A sentence or two on what your blog is about:  My blog is about life in general…what I’m reading, making, cooking, where we’re going, and the projects we’re doing on our new house…basically how we’re trying to stay out of trouble.

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why?  This is a really hard question…only one?  Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
Other favorites?  The Harry Potter Series, The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Tudor “series” by Philippa Gregory, Any book by Lori Wick
What’s your favorite genre to read?  I prefer historical fiction.  I do not like horror of any kind!
Where do you like to read?  I don’t know that I have a favorite place…some place comfy with something yummy to drink.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?  I like both.  I love reading an actual book but I love the convenience of my Kindle.
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books?  Both!  I love bookstores, from the big box stores to a independently owned ones to the secondhand ones.  But if I can borrow the book and save money for other books, that works for me too!
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks?  Often when I hit a new chapter…
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away?  It depends on the book.  If I really like it, I’ll keep it since I’ll most likely reread it.  I don’t throw away books so if I didn’t like it or won’t reread it, I’ll give it away, either to friends or Goodwill.
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.)  The title, the author, the cover, the teaser, recommendations from friends.
Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series?  Both. 

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write?  I write a blog.  I don’t write anything else and I have no desire to write a novel.  I don’t write poetry either….I had to take Creative Writing in college and that was a big FAIL.  The only C I’ve ever gotten EVER.  10 years later and I’m still upset about it!
Did you always know that you wanted to write?  Nope!  I started my blog so I could keep my family & friends on the East Coast updated on what and how we are doing.  I never expected to enjoy it so much!

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food?  My favorite food is pizza followed by my husband’s stuffed pork chops.  Delicious!
Favorite color? My favorite color is red.  Brown is my favorite accent color.
Favorite song?  Don’t have one…I like all kinds of music.
Favorite movie?  I’m not a huge movie person…that would be my husband!  I really like Clue.
Favorite TV show?  Absolute favorite of all time would have to be The West Wing.  I own all 7 season and watch them in order 2-3 times a year.  I also like shows like Criminal Minds, Law and Order, and Bones.

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why?  I’d like to be invisible. 
What did you want to be when you were little?  When I was little I wanted to be a doctor…a pediatric oncologist to be exact.  This probably stemmed from the fact that my dad was diagnosed with cancer 3 different times over the course of my childhood.
What is the answer to life?  I believe the answer to life is Jesus…or rather a relationship with him.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weekend Wonder: Michelle

General Questions…

Name:  Michelle
Penname: Michelle
A sentence or two about yourself:  The travel bug hit me early and wormed it’s way into my little heart.  Family life has slowed me down, but I’m working towards the day when we sell off our belongings and once again hit the open road.
Link to blog:
A sentence or two on what your blog is about:  Any thought that gets my mind off of my current settled-down lifestyle-a little about my dreams, a little bit of ranting and raving, a little bit of thoughtfulness.

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why?  Anna Karenina (Tolstoy).  The expression of emotion in the characters captivated me.  More than once I was caught completely off guard.  One of the only books I’ve read more than once.
Other favorites?  Gone with the Wind (again, the emotion-I threw my copy across the room as I read the last page) and Mrs. Pettigrew Lives for a Day (light and whimsical, fun read).
What’s your favorite genre to read? I could pick one, but then I remember a handful of books I’ve read that were a completely different type, and then another handful.  There are moods in me for a variety of different genres.
Where do you like to read?  Curled up in a papasan chair next to the window with sunlight streaming in.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?  Paper for sure.
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books?  I LOVE bookstores, but almost always borrow thanks to
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks?  Chapters, even if it means I have to turn back 3 or 4 pages when I pick it up the next time.
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away? I give most of them away.
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.)  My to-read list has 143 books on it right now.  I take suggestions from everywhere-magazines, library staff picks, my husband, the guy next to me on the bus.  It just keeps growing.  I’ll never make it through them all.
Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series?  I can’t stand to read books in a series.  I don’t know why.  It just really really bothers me.

So You Want to be a Writer questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write?  When I was a lot younger I loved creative writing, but I don’t have the patience for it anymore.  Now my blog and journals are my writing outlet and they’re definitely narrative prose and commentary.
Did you always know that you wanted to write?  I knew without a doubt when I was young.  Somewhere along the way I got bogged down with life and forgot.  That’s why I’m now blogging-it’s a slow road back to where I came from, but I feel that part of me returning.

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food?  My favorite cuisine is Thai food-My 2011 challenge is to cook through my Thai cookbook.
Favorite color?  Lemon yellow
Favorite song?  Hold On by Tom Waites
Favorite movie?  Pretty Woman (for absolutely no sensible reason, I love it!)
Favorite TV show?  House Hunters International

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why?  To make people wet themselves.  The element of surprise-I’m going to need that split second while they figure out what’s happening.
What did you want to be when you were little?  My sisters and I used to play “Law Firm” and I always wanted to be the secretary.  A few years ago I was doing a temp job at a real attorney’s office and felt like I had arrived!
What is the answer to life?  42

Friday, March 4, 2011

Busy is the Watchword

I figured it was probably about time to inform everyone on what the he** has been going on! However, let me note, I can not do that in one word. I have been busy, busy, BUSY!
It started a couple weeks ago when every single one of my classes decided to assign an essay, each being due with days of each other (two on the same day). Well, I got them all back this week. I got 3 100%! and 1 B. (Way to ruin the perfect trend Science Fiction and Fantasy class!)

Now, I have to finish my Shakespeare journal, edit some manuscripts, study for my midterm in World Literature, and rewrite the B essay in Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Then, my computer not only got one piece of malware, but TWO! Then, I later found a trojan there as well. BLAH! :( (All clean now, though!)

Next, I decided to sign up for a vendor's booth at a music festival. (This could quickly turn into 2 or 3 festivals depending on who is still accepting applications and a pretty check!) So, I'm working my darling fingers to their nubs (Let me tell you! Never pay for a manicure when you are planning on going all Becky Thatcher/Harry Winston for the weekend!) making recycled notebooks, earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets (new), sun catchers (new), and whatever else comes to mind!

Also, the most lovely Chief Operating Officer at the Chamber of Commerce just discussed a possible opportunity at a special effects studio. I can't say much about it right now. It's my newest venture, but I hope to have more insights soon!

Finally, I'm spending lots and lots of time with family. My grandma has breakfast every Sunday at her house, a cousin of mine is having a new baby soon, and we're all just rallying around each other. In fact, I am taking two of my cousins to the movie Beastly tomorrow! and one of my best friends and her sister are coming along. We'll all go out to dinner and then go see the movie! Also, I'm taking a trip to Atlanta to see my Aunt and Uncle and their kids over Spring Break so I will be out for that whole week.

All in all, it's been pretty good. The only thing I miss is not blogging every day. I will try, though! :)

So, fill me in on what has been going on! I want to know everything!