Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weekend Wonder: Matt Dimitroff

Today is is the beginning of our KICK OFF WEEKEND! Weekend Wonders is a chance to meet and greet some of your fellow followers here at Who's Your Editor?! I invite any followers that have been in the box since the beginning, that have been hanging around for a few months or a few weeks, and those that are fresh on the skillet! Also, if you are interested in becoming a Weekend Wonder yourself then please check out this link...A Celebration for 200 Followers!

Now, please let me introduce to you...

General Questions…

Name: Matthew Robert Dimitroff
Penname: Usually “Mathias,” but on Blogspot, it’s “BlessidMerc.”
A sentence or two about yourself: I am a writer. I like writering.
Link to blog:
A sentence or two on what your blog is about: I just post what I’ve written. I don’t really blog about life because my own lacks flair.

Book Lover Questions…

What is your favorite book and why? The Divine Comedy. I’m not a fan of poetry, but this chronicle is closer to being a novel and it provides such a grand view of the afterlife that I’ve not seen elsewhere. It’s inspirational to me.
Other favorites? Death: A Life, World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide.
What’s your favorite genre to read? I look at it the way I look at movies or music: I don’t have a favorite genre, just specific books or authors.
Where do you like to read? Usually my bed, but I’ve spent hours in Barnes & Noble reading a manuscript.
Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper, though I’ve never held an ebook.
Do you prefer to buy or borrow books? Is reading in-store considered “borrowing”?
Do you stop reading when you are tired or when you hit chapter breaks? When I reach a page that ends with a period and doesn’t wrap to the next page.
When you finish a book do you usually keep it, throw it away, sell it, or give it away? I keep everything.
What helps you decide on a book? (Book reviews, suggested by friend, by browsing the shelves, etc.) The title.
Do you prefer to read a book that stands on its own or is a part of a series? Not applicable.

So You Want to be a Writer Questions…

A few sentences about your writing: What do you write (blog entries, novels, poetry, etc)? Why do you write? I’ve written teleplays, short stories, and most recently flash fiction. I write because it comes easily to me and I have a desire to share my mind.
Did you always know that you wanted to write? No, absolutely not. The greatest ideas always come spur of the moment.

Favorite Questions…

What’s your favorite food? Broccoli.
Favorite color? Black.
Favorite song? I don’t have one, but Goldfrapp’s “Utopia” often comes to mind when I am posed this question.
Favorite movie? Lady in the Water. Please do not judge my own writing abilities upon this.
Favorite TV show? I dunno, Quantum Leap?

Random Questions…

If you developed a superpower what would it be and why? They say you can learn a lot about a person based upon this question. I had developed a profound answer once before, but it has slipped my mind. Maybe I’d like to be a genie.
What did you want to be when you were little? Jim Carrey. Good God.
What is the answer to life? I wonder how many people will respond with “42.” Life isn’t really a question that needs answering. It’s an ongoing scientific method. You analyze your surroundings, hypothesize choices that come along, experiment in various ways, collect data and learn from your experiences, and then you conclude your life.


That was Matt! A big thank you to Matt for being one of those genuine followers, infinitely interested, dedicated to writing meaningful comments, and for being the brave fellow to go FIRST! Let's give him a big hand.


  1. Hey there, Matt! Nice to put a face to the name.

  2. Thanks you. I would also like to note that Lady in the Water is not my -absolute- favorite film (I don't have one). Included in my list of faves: Kung Fu Hustle, The Forbidden Kingdom, Night Watch and Day Watch, Nacho Libre, Land of the Dead, and some others.

    You flatter me with your praises, Miss Parth. :)

  3. The choice to make the image monochrome is an interesting one.

  4. Matt...I thought Lady in the Water was very corky. I don't think your choice in any movie would ever affect what we thought about your writing.

    Yeah, I was thinking about playing around with everyone's photos, but then decided not to. I didn't even notice that I didn't change it back to color. Sorry about that.

  5. "Corky" is an odd adjective. Not really sure how to define it. My concern with it was that it is almost universally panned and even my folklore professor joked that he should re-evaluate his excellent opinion of me.

    I don't have a problem with the photo at all.

  6. is a funny adjective, but that's exactly what I thought about the movie. When I saw the trailor, I got an idea in my head of what the movie would be like and then it wasn't anything like I imagined. I personally did not enjoy it, but that doesn't mean that others can't find joy in it.

    Oh good. I figured it's your photo so I didn't want to do anything to it.

  7. That movie actually makes me teary-eyed. Maybe I'm just a sap.

    Also, I'd to thank those who were glad to make my acquaintance.


    I want to share this amazing video.

  9. Matt...I cry at movies all the time. In the last few days I have watched Dear John (Cried through the last 70 minutes. (It's only a 90 minute movie.)), Ramona and Beezus (The most adorable movie I have seen in a long time. (Cried.)), and Downtown Abbey (The best mini series I have seen in a long time. (Cried just enough.)) I should start a sap group! We could all join it. :)

  10. I also got verklempt (teary) at Beezus and Ramona. The movie I love to bring up on this subject is A League of Their Own.

  11. Whoops, I said the book title instead of the movie title. I remember having to read Ramona stories in elementary school.

  12. Matt...I knew what you meant, and yes, cried at A League of Their Own as well.

  13. Hi Matt - good to 'See' you. Just been over to so that video of utter humiliation - omg - was this a government objective - 'get outta my face while I'm readin my Keats?' - I'm crying with laughter here. Great find! Shah. X

  14. Shah, the video is from a show called Sliders, wherein a group of people travel to different dimensions. The world in question valued smart people as celebrities and it was a society based upon knowledge.

  15. Hello Matt! You have really interesting answers there! it was nice to get to know you, I am off to check out your blog now.

  16. Thank you. I hope it's not too odd for you.

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