Monday, January 3, 2011

"Kitties and Boxes?" My Guest Blog for Refusing to Grow Old Gracefully

Hey everyone! Miss Donna is out for the week, spending time with a good friend that is in town. So, some of us have taken the liberty of filling in for her.

Come check out my post on Refusing to Grow Old Gracefully...Kitties and Boxes?

And Lindsay's post on Write Now, Write Later...Another Year, Lots of New Dreams.

See you all there!


  1. Both of you did such a lovely job. I'm very excited to partake and fill in Donna's shoes for a few days!! :)


  2. Thanks for visiting my blog I'm now following back :)

  3. D'aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww, kitties are so adorable. :3

  4. stopping by from blog hops- i'm your newest gfc follower

  5. Kate...Thank you! Are you guest blogging too? I'll definately be by to check it out if you are!

    Mommy...You are very welcome and thank you for following!

    Matt...Yes, most adorable creatures on the planet (some of the time).

    QueenB...Welcome. Please join in the discussions when you get a chance or come and check out my guest blog. I will be by to check out your blog soon though!

  6. Matt...I don't know. My bunny is pretty dang adorable!

  7. Well, I haven't seen many bunnies, so maybe I could be persuaded?

  8. I'm sure I'll be posting more pictures of Orin in the future :)

  9. Matt...I'll let you know if I put some up.

  10. Lovely ! I love it! And I will say again Kitties are the cutest creatures alive!

  11. Tamara...Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Please join the conversations when you get a chance. Also, I will stop by soon!

    Dawn...Thank you and these kitties certainly are.


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